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1 to 10 of 149 Results
Oct 8, 2024 - PN 3-10
Xu, Xiang, 2024, "Replication Data for: Origin of the yield stress anomaly in L12 intermetallics unveiled with physically informed machine-learning potentials", https://doi.org/10.18419/darus-4480, DaRUS, V1
Data for the manuscript "Origin of the yield stress anomaly in L12 intermetallics unveiled with physically-informed machine-learning potentials", https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2024.120423. This data set contains: 1) the utilized moment-tensor-potentials (MTP) and the correspo...
Aug 27, 2024 - PN 7-6
Kneifl, Jonas; Rettberg, Johannes; Herb, Julius, 2024, "ApHIN - Autoencoder-based port-Hamiltonian Identification Networks (Software Package)", https://doi.org/10.18419/darus-4446, DaRUS, V1
Software package for data-driven identification of latent port-Hamiltonian systems. Abstract Conventional physics-based modeling techniques involve high effort, e.g.~time and expert knowledge, while data-driven methods often lack interpretability, structure, and sometimes reliabi...
Aug 23, 2024 - Usability and Sustainability of Simulation Software
Homs-Pons, Carme; Schneider, David; Simonis, Frédéric; Schulte, Miriam; Uekermann, Benjamin, 2024, "Replication Data for: Partitioned Multiphysics Simulation of an Electrophysiological Three-Tendon-Biceps Model", https://doi.org/10.18419/darus-4228, DaRUS, V1
This dataset contains software (preCICE v3.1.2, OpenDiHu, deal.II-based solver and ASTE) as well as setup files and instructions to reproduce the experiments "Partitioned Multiphysics Simulation of an Electrophysiological Three-Tendon-Biceps Model". The actual results of the expe...
Aug 8, 2024 - PN 6-3
Holzmüller, David; Grinsztajn, Léo; Steinwart, Ingo, 2024, "Code and Data for: Better by default: Strong pre-tuned MLPs and boosted trees on tabular data", https://doi.org/10.18419/darus-4255, DaRUS, V1
This dataset contains code and data for our paper "Better by default: Strong pre-tuned MLPs and boosted trees on tabular data". The main code is provided in pytabkit_code.zip and contains further documentation in README.md and the docs folder. The main code is also provided on Gi...
Jul 29, 2024 - PN 7-6
Kneifl, Jonas; Rettberg, Johannes; Fehr, Jörg, 2024, "Coupled thermo-mechanical simulation results of a finite element discbrake", https://doi.org/10.18419/darus-4418, DaRUS, V1
Simulation Results of a Finite Element Discbrake The finite element model describes an academic representation of a heated discbrake. It is implemented in the commercial simulation software Abaqus. It is composed out of one layer of 60 elements resulting in a total of 146 nodes w...
Jul 16, 2024 - Learned surrogate models of dynamic systems
Raff, Maximilian; Remy, C. David, 2024, "Periodic Trajectories of a Passive One-Legged Hopper", https://doi.org/10.18419/darus-4237, DaRUS, V2
General The one-legged hopper depicted in hooper.png is energetically conservative. The state of the system is given by the horizontal position (x), the vertical position (y), the leg rotation angle (alpha), and their respective velocities. The data required to comprehensively de...
Jul 8, 2024 - Hard Negative Captions
Tilli, Pascal, 2024, "Data for: HNC: Leveraging Hard Negative Captions towards Models with Fine-Grained Visual-Linguistic Comprehension Capabilities", https://doi.org/10.18419/darus-4341, DaRUS, V1
Image-Text-Matching (ITM) is one of the defacto methods of learning generalized representations from a large corpus in Vision and Language (VL). However, due to the weak association between the web-collected image–text pairs, models fail to show fine-grained understanding of the...
Hard Negative Captions(Universität Stuttgart)
Jul 3, 2024PN 6-5 (II)
PN 6-5 (II)(Universität Stuttgart)
Jul 3, 2024PN 6
SimTech Project PN 6-5 (II) "Interpretable and explainable cognitive inspired machine learning systems"
Jun 26, 2024 - Extended Hill-Type Muscle Material Model (EHTM)
Nölle, Lennart Vincent; Lerge, Patrick; Martynenko, Oleksandr; Wochner, Isabell; Kempter, Fabian; Kleinbach, Christian; Schmitt, Syn; Fehr, Jörg, 2022, "EHTM Code and Manual", https://doi.org/10.18419/darus-1144, DaRUS, V3
This Dataset contains the implementation of the four element Extended Hill-type Muscle (EHTM) model with serial damping and eccentric force–velocity relation including Ca2+ dependent activation dynamics and internal methods for physiological muscle control for the finite-element...
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