The vision of the Cluster of Excellence Integrative Computational Design and Construction for Architecture (EXC IntCDC) is to harness the full potential of digital technologies in order to rethink design, fabrication and construction based on integration and interdisciplinarity, with the goal of enabling game-changing innovation in the building sector as it can only occur through highly integrative fundamental research in an interdisciplinary, large-scale research undertaking.

The Cluster aims to lay the methodological foundations for a profound rethinking of the design and building process and related building systems by adopting an integrative computational approach based on interdisciplinary research encompassing architecture, structural engineering, building physics, engineering geodesy, manufacturing and system engineering, computer science and robotics, social sciences and humanities. We aim to bundle the internationally recognised competencies in these fields of the University of Stuttgart and the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems to accomplish our research mission.

The Cluster’s Industry Consortium will ensure direct knowledge exchange, transfer and rapid impact. Taking into account the significant difference between the building industry and other industries, we will tackle the related key challenges of achieving a higher level of integration, performance and adaptability, and we will address the most important building typologies of multi-storey buildings, long-span buildings, and the densification of urban areas.

The Cluster’s broad methodological insights and interdisciplinary findings are expected to result in comprehensive approaches to harnessing digital technologies, which will help to address the ecological, economic and social challenges that current incremental approaches cannot solve.

We envision IntCDC to significantly shape the future of architecture and the building industry through a higher-level integration of computational design and engineering methods, effective cyber-physical (tightly interlinked computational and material) robotic construction processes and new forms of human-machine collaboration, efficient and sustainable next-generation building systems, and socio-cultural and ethical reflection. Thus, the Cluster will have significant impact on creating the conditions required for a liveable and sustainable future built environment, high-quality yet affordable architecture and a novel digital building culture.
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1 to 10 of 96 Results
Feb 10, 2025 - EXC IntCDC Research Project 19 'Co-Design Methods for Developing Distributed Cooperative Multi-Robot Systems for Construction'
Leder, Samuel; Menges, Achim, 2025, "Collective Robotic Construction (CRC) Research Projects organized by Architectural Design Approach",, DaRUS, V1
This dataset contains the results of a database search to obtain research articles related to collective robotic construction (CRC). The database search criteria can be found in the related publication: Leder, S., Menges, A.: 2023, Architectural design in collective robotic const...
EXC IntCDC Associated Project 30 'Towards Human-Robot Co-Agency'(University of Stuttgart, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems)
EXC IntCDC Associated Project 30 'Towards Human-Robot Co-Agency' logo
Jan 21, 2025
AP30: Towards human-robot co-agency: AI and feminist technoscience perspectives for diversity, demography and democracy on human-robot collaboration in architecture.
Nov 29, 2024 - FabFramework
Opgenorth, Nils, 2024, "FabFramework.Core: Task-Based Robotic Fabrication Framework",, DaRUS, V1
FabFramework is designed around a Task-Based Fabrication methodology, which transforms digital design models into sequential, data-driven robotic tasks. This approach ensures precise fabrication operations through simulation and predefined parameters, following a three-step proce...
Nov 25, 2024 - EXC IntCDC RP 10: Co-Design from Architectural, Historical and Social Science Perspectives
Svatoš-Ražnjević, Hana; Menges, Achim, 2024, "Multi-storey Timber Buildings and Design and Construction Stakeholder Constellations Data: 99 DACH Projects",, DaRUS, V2, UNF:6:73/0XlbFwRz+ev9CKVbTUA== [fileUNF]
This repository contains a collection of data on 99 contemporary multi-storey timber building projects in the DACH region (Germany, Austria, and Switzerland), designed and planned between 2004 and 2021, and the stakeholders involved in their design and construction. The dataset c...
Nov 6, 2024 - ABxM Framework for Agent-based Modeling and Simulation
Nguyen, Long; Schwinn, Tobias; Groenewolt, Abel; Maierhofer, Mathias; Zorn, Max Benjamin; Stieler, David; Siriwardena, Lasath; Kannenberg, Fabian; Menges, Achim, 2022, "ABxM.Core: The Core Libraries of the ABxM Framework",, DaRUS, V3
The ABxM.Core consists of the agent core library ABxM.Core and an interoperability library for Rhino 6 and later versions. ABxM.Core implements the functionality specific to agent-based modelling and simulation. The core library can, in principle, be referenced from any applicati...
Nov 4, 2024 - EXC IntCDC Research Project 3 'Co-Design of Multi-Storey Timber Building Systems for Building Stock Extension'
Müller, Theresa; Krtschil, Anna; Leistner, Philip, 2024, "Replication Data for: Structural and acoustic behavior of a timber slab with wooden tuned mass dampers",, DaRUS, V1, UNF:6:62r5i2gvHXdCEYYBtRDx4w== [fileUNF]
This dataset contains the data of literature as well as the data of the experimental modal analysis of the scaled timber plate without and with tuned mass damper (TMD) that is described in the related publication. The dataset contains frequency response functions, quantified by t...
Oct 22, 2024 - EXC IntCDC Associated Project 47 'Optimisation and Machine Learning for Climate-Friendly Design'
Zorn, Max Benjamin; Claus, Luisa; Frenzel, Christian; Wortmann, Thomas, 2024, "Replication Data for: Optimizing an expensive multi-objective building performance problem: Benchmarking model-based optimization algorithms against metaheuristics with and without surrogates.",, DaRUS, V1
This dataset contains all generated samples for a multi-objective optimization benchmark on a realistic building performance simulation problem. The samples are saved in JSON files. Every file contains the results of an independent optimization run. The JSON log files are organiz...
EXC IntCDC Associated Project 47 'Optimisation and Machine Learning for Climate-Friendly Design'(University of Stuttgart, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems)
EXC IntCDC Associated Project 47 'Optimisation and Machine Learning for Climate-Friendly Design' logo
Oct 15, 2024
AP47: Multi-objective optimisation and machine learning for climate-friendly building design
Aug 26, 2024 - EXC IntCDC Research Project 10 'Co-Design from Architectural, Social and Computational Perspectives'
Öney, Seyda; Abdelaal, Moataz; Kurzhals, Kuno; Betz, Paul; Kropp, Cordula; Weiskopf, Daniel, 2024, "Supplemental Material for: Testing the Test: Observations When Assessing Visualization Literacy of Domain Experts",, DaRUS, V1, UNF:6:acOzV3rGb0G3gj7FIA/o4w== [fileUNF]
These documents contain supplemental material for the paper "Testing the Test: Observations When Assessing Visualization Literacy of Domain Experts" which was conditionally accepted at the BELIV 2024 Workshop in conjunction with the IEEE VIS 2024 Conference. The CSV file contains...
Aug 15, 2024 - EXC IntCDC Research Project 18 'Holistic Quality Model for Extension of Existing Buildings'
Di Bari, Roberta; Lauer, Anja Patricia Regina; Schlopschnat, Christoph; Treml, Simon; Opgenorth, Nils; Skoury, Lior; Stark, Tim; Bechert, Simon; Göbel, Monika; Wagner, Hans Jakob; Wood, Dylan; Leistner, Philip; Knippers, Jan; Menges, Achim; Sawodny, Oliver; Wortmann, Thomas, 2024, "Computational design and robotic fabrication for high environmental quality timber constructions: the livMatS Biomimetic Shell case study",, DaRUS, V1
The dataset includes the raw data and the corresponding report for the life cycle assessment of the building demonstrator 'livMatS Biomimetic Shell' (Website). The pressure on the construction industry to reduce its environmental impact is leading practitioners to investigate the...
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