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Nov 6, 2024
Nguyen, Long; Schwinn, Tobias; Groenewolt, Abel; Maierhofer, Mathias; Zorn, Max Benjamin; Stieler, David; Siriwardena, Lasath; Kannenberg, Fabian; Menges, Achim, 2022, "ABxM.Core: The Core Libraries of the ABxM Framework", https://doi.org/10.18419/DARUS-2994, DaRUS, V3
The ABxM.Core consists of the agent core library ABxM.Core and an interoperability library for Rhino 6 and later versions. ABxM.Core implements the functionality specific to agent-based modelling and simulation. The core library can, in principle, be referenced from any applicati... |
May 23, 2024 - EXC IntCDC RP 3: Multi-Storey Wood Building System
Orozco, Luis; Siriwardena, Lasath; Menges, Achim, 2024, "ABxM.MultiStorey.Columns: Agent-based Column Arrangement for Multi-Storey Structures", https://doi.org/10.18419/DARUS-4171, DaRUS, V1
ABxM.MultiStorey.Columns is an add-on for the agent-based design and arrangement of columns in multi-storey, point-supported structures. The add-on contains various agent system constructs and utilities for column arrangement and is intended to be used within Rhino/Grasshopper. T... |
Dec 11, 2023
Schwinn, Tobias; Groenewolt, Abel; Nguyen, Long; Siriwardena, Lasath; Alvarez, Martín; Reiner, Alexander; Zorn, Max Benjamin; Menges, Achim, 2023, "ABxM.PlateStructures: Agent-based Architectural Design of Plate Structures", https://doi.org/10.18419/DARUS-3438, DaRUS, V3
ABxM.PlateStructures is an add-on to ABxM.Core for agent-based design and development of plate structures, such as segmented timber shells. The add-on contains various agent system constructs and utilities for plate structure design and is intended to be used within Rhino/Grassho... |