RP20-1: Knowledge representation for multi-disciplinary co-design of buildings.
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Feb 21, 2024 - Analytic Computing
Asma, Zubaria; Hernández, Daniel; Galárraga, Luis; Flouris, Giorgos; Fundulaki, Irini; Hose, Katja, 2024, "Code and benchmark for NPCS, a Native Provenance Computation for SPARQL", https://doi.org/10.18419/DARUS-3973, DaRUS, V1
Code for the implementation and benchmark of NPCS, a Native Provenance Computation for SPARQL. The code in this dataset includes the implementation of the NPCS system, which is a middleware for SPARQL endpoints that rewrites queries to queries that annotate answers with provenanc...
Feb 16, 2024 - Analytic Computing
Seifer, Philipp; Hernández, Daniel; Lämmel, Ralf; Staab, Steffen, 2024, "Code for From Shapes to Shapes", https://doi.org/10.18419/DARUS-3977, DaRUS, V1
This dataset contains the implementation code for an algorithm to infer SHACL shapes that the graph returned by an SPARQL CONSTRUCT query must satisfy if the input satisfies a given set of SHACL shapes. This dataset also includes an evaluation for the algorithm. The algorithm imp...
Mar 3, 2023
Elshani, Diellza; Lombardi, Alessio; Hernández, Daniel; Staab, Steffen; Fisher, Al; Wortmann, Thomas, 2023, "BHoM to bhOWL converter", https://doi.org/10.18419/DARUS-3364, DaRUS, V1
The dataset is the release version v2.0.0 of the BHoM to bhOWL converter, which helps convert BHoM data to a knowledge graph in any software BHoM supports. BHoM (The Buildings and Habitats object Model) is collaborative framework that runs within several AEC design software, whic...
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