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1 to 8 of 8 Results
Oct 26, 2022 - Modeling Strategies for Gas migration in Subsurface
Banerjee, Ishani; Walter, Peter, 2022, "Replication Data for: The Method of Forced Probabilities: a Computation Trick for Bayesian Model Evidence",, DaRUS, V1
This dataset contains the codes used for implementing the method of forced probabilities of the manuscript: The Method of Forced Probabilities: A Computation Trick for Bayesian Model Evidence. Here, one can find the codes of implementation of the trick on stochastic invasion perc...
Nov 24, 2021 - tBME project
Hsueh, Han-Fang, 2021, "Code of the tBME method",, DaRUS, V1
Code and data for the publication "Diagnosis of model errors with a sliding time-window Bayesian analysis" in Journal Water Resource Research (preprint . The folder "tau_plot" includes the files and data to generate the tBME analysis plots for Ca...
tBME project(Universität Stuttgart)
Nov 23, 2021
tBME project
Jun 24, 2021 - CAMPOS Project P8: Conceptual Model Uncertainty
Gonzalez-Nicolas Alvarez, Ana, 2021, "Sampling Strategies of the Regime-and-memory model (RMM)",, DaRUS, V1, UNF:6:JeAvfovoq369qtbASSmQjg== [fileUNF]
This excel file includes the observation time, Q, concentration, and lag-time used by the sampling strategies. Types of sampling strategies: Time frequency sampling strategies. River discharge frequency sampling strategies. Low Q sampling strategies. High Q sampling strategies. L...
Jun 24, 2021 - CAMPOS Project P8: Conceptual Model Uncertainty
Gonzalez-Nicolas Alvarez, Ana, 2021, "Regime-and-memory model (RMM) Code",, DaRUS, V1
We introduce a simple stochastic time-series model (regime-and-memory model, RMM) for concentrations in the river that accounts for fluctuating release and transport with memory, using an autocorrelation over time.One explicit parameter of our model represents the export regime....
Jun 21, 2021
Jun 18, 2021 - Modeling Strategies for Gas migration in Subsurface
Banerjee, Ishani, 2021, "Replication Data for: Overcoming the model-data-fit problem in porous media: A quantitative method to compare invasion-percolation models to high-resolution data",, DaRUS, V1
This dataset contains modeling data used to obtain the results and figures in the manuscript: "Overcoming the model-data-fit problem in porous media: A quantitative method to compare invasion-percolation models to high-resolution data." In particular, the model realization data a...
Mar 12, 2021
This dataverse contains modeling data (percolation type) and comparison methods (codes) for the project models for gas migration in porous media.
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