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1 to 10 of 47 Results
Jan 7, 2025 - Surrogate models for groundwater flow simulations
Zhang, Xiaoyu, 2024, "Models and Prepared Datasets for Iterative Modeling of Two Heat Pumps",, DaRUS, V3
Prepared datasets and models for iterative modeling of heat plumes in groundwater. Models were trained with Iterative modeling. File explanation: This zip file contains all prepared datapoints with a single heat pump. The input data fields are pressure, permeability, posi...
Dec 19, 2024 - Surrogate models for groundwater flow simulations
Hofmann, Johanna, 2024, "Models and Prepared Datasets for Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory (ConvLSTM) Networks",, DaRUS, V2
The dataset contains trained ConvLSTM models for heat plume extension and the prepared dataset for training and testing. In this repo the code for model training and dataset preparation is published. The last relevant git commit is 0a148e6131b98260. The prepared dataset for train...
Nov 26, 2024 - Surrogate models for groundwater flow simulations
Trick, Johanna, 2024, "Models and Prepared Datasets for 3D-CNN - First Stage",, DaRUS, V1
Models trained with Heat Plume Prediction 3D and datasets prepared with Heat Plume Prediction 3D into reasonable format, normalization used to train these models. Based on raw data from doi:darus-4533.
Nov 26, 2024 - Surrogate models for groundwater flow simulations
Pelzer, Julia, 2024, "Datasets: First Stage 3D Simulation - Raw, 100 and 1000 Data Points",, DaRUS, V1
These data sets serve as training data for modelling the temperature field emanating from a groundwater heat pump. They are simulated with Pflotran and saved in h5 format. They contain 100 and 1000 data points, each consisting of one simulation run until a near steady state is re...
Nov 12, 2024 - Dataverse-PN-X
Heinemann, Moritz; Potyka, Johanna; Schulte, Kathrin; Sadlo, Filip; Ertl, Thomas, 2024, "Replication Data for: Visualization of Finite-Time Separation in Multiphase Flow",, DaRUS, V1
Collision of a droplet chain of a 50% water-glycerol solution colliding with a continuous jet of silicon oil M5, which is a combination of immiscible liquids. The collision process leads to the separation of compound droplets, i.e., the droplets are encapsulated by the jet's liqu...
Nov 5, 2024 - Surrogate models for groundwater flow simulations
Miliczek, Pascal, 2024, "Models and Prepared Datasets for Modeling Heat Plumes of Heat Pumps with varying Flow Directions",, DaRUS, V1
Prepared datasets and models for modeling orientational variation in heat plume prediction in groundwater. Models were trained with 1HP NN equivariance. File name explanation: 4d The (used) dataset encompasses only cardinal flow directions. rd The (used) dataset encompasses rando...
Nov 5, 2024 - Surrogate models for groundwater flow simulations
Pelzer, Julia, 2024, "Raw Data for Modeling Heat Plumes of Heat Pumps with varying Flow Directions",, DaRUS, V1
Raw datasets for modeling orientational variation in heat plume prediction in groundwater. Used with 1HP NN equivariance. File name explanation: 4d The dataset encompasses only cardinal flow directions. rd The dataset encompasses random flow directions in the 2D plane. 1000dp The...
Sep 17, 2024 - Surrogate models for groundwater flow simulations
Pelzer, Julia, 2024, "Models and Prepared Datasets for LG-CNN",, DaRUS, V2
Models trained with Heat Plume Prediction and datasets prepared with Heat Plume Prediction into reasonable format, reduced set of in/outputs, 2D, normalization used to train these models. Last relevant git commit: cae87d68faf96b2bd8dab935. Based on raw data from doi:darus-4156.
Sep 13, 2024 - Surrogate models for groundwater flow simulations
Pelzer, Julia, 2024, "Datasets: 6 Heat Pumps, Simulation - Raw + Prepared",, DaRUS, V1
This dataset serves as training data for modeling the temperature field emanating from several open loop groundwater heat pumps (six heat pumps, randomly placed). It is simulated with Pflotran and stored in h5 format. The two datasets contain 1000 and additional 4000 data points....
Sep 13, 2024
Hermann, Sibylle, 2024, "Database for: Documenting Research in Simulation Science to Enhance Understanding for Reusability",, DaRUS, V1, UNF:6:mhHYSODfUq/dE3D6o/V/ww== [fileUNF]
Replication Data for an analysis of research articles from computational mechanics, all using the software Pasimodo Categories for analysing the articles: To understand the context of the citation, we classified the citations...
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