Fluid-solid reactions pose a challenge for modelling flow and transport in porous media due to the dynamic changes in the pore space and the associated alteration of the permeability. This project aims to use Magnetic Resonance Imaging and X-ray computer microtomography measurements on synthetic porous media made from glass beads and soil columns to experimentally elucidate differ¬ences in porosity-permeability relationships for three different fluid-solid reactions: salt precipitation during evaporation, microbially-induced calcite precipitation, and dissolution during chemical stimulation.
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Oct 8, 2021
Piotrowski, Joseph; Huisman, Johan Alexander, 2021, "Sample Properties, Evaporation Data, and Pressure Measurements of MgSO4 Crusts on F32 Quartz Sand From 0.96 mol/L, 0.64 mol/L, and 0.32 mol/L Initial Concentration", https://doi.org/10.18419/DARUS-1861, DaRUS, V2, UNF:6:xYGrTts04RzpxXSLpfQHTA== [fileUNF]
The dataset contains data from evaporation of magnesium sulfate solution with an initial concentration of 0.96 mol/L, 0.64 mol/L, and 0.32 mol/L from F32 quartz sand. Additionally, pressure measurement of the separated and dried crusts from 40%, 30%, and 20(25)% saturation inside...
Mar 22, 2021
Piotrowski, Joseph; Huisman, Johan Alexander, 2021, "Sample, Evaporation, and Crust Data of NaCl, MgSO4, and Na2SO4 solutions from F32 Quartz Sand", https://doi.org/10.18419/DARUS-1642, DaRUS, V1, UNF:6:L1vcdYV8IHGNC1L+uLc2/A== [fileUNF]
The data set contains one excel file for each salt type (NaCl, MgSO4, and Na2SO4) with data from evaporation experiments and additional sample analysis. Each file has six sheets: 1. Sample properties (i.e. dimensions, effective properties, weight,...) 2. Evaporation (i.e. mass lo...
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