The effectiveness of bone-cement injection during vertebroplasty is highly dependent on the cement-injection-distribution pattern, the interface effects between the porous bone structure and the initially liquid cement, as well as the curing process of the bone cement itself. Taking vertebroplasty as motivation, this project aims at taking into account interface and material deposition processes on the pore scale to describe material-injection processes in porous media on the REV (representative elementary volume) scale. The modelling process will be exemplified on vertebra-like structures.
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1 to 7 of 7 Results
May 15, 2024
Trivedi, Zubin; Wychowaniec, Jacek K.; Gehweiler, Dominic; Sprecher, Christoph Martin; Boger, Andreas; Gueorguiev, Boyko; D'Este, Matteo; Ricken, Tim; Röhrle, Oliver, 2024, "Data for: Rheological Analysis and Evaluation of Measurement Techniques for the Curing Polymethylmethacrylate Bone Cement in Vertebroplasty",, DaRUS, V1, UNF:6:qWipgRgsaAlTQZDkmPv0LQ== [fileUNF]
This dataset includes the measurement data described in the paper "Rheological Analysis and Evaluation of Measurement Techniques for the Curing Polymethylmethacrylate Bone Cement in Vertebroplasty" and additional supplementary data. All data in .csv files except 'Inj1 -- 5' are g...
Nov 10, 2022
Trivedi, Zubin; Gehweiler, Dominic; Wychowaniec, Jacek; Ricken, Tim; Gueorguiev, Boyko; Wagner, Arndt; Röhrle, Oliver, 2022, "Data for: A continuum mechanical porous media model for simulating vertebroplasty: Numerical simulations and experimental validation",, DaRUS, V1, UNF:6:9AGAVPHk+q5ZPvv1MtUtuQ== [fileUNF]
This dataset includes experiment and simulation data used in the research described in the paper "A continuum mechanical porous media model for simulating vertebroplasty: Numerical simulations and experimental validation". The following data is included in the dataset: Experiment...
Jun 23, 2021 - Dynamic CT imaging
Trivedi, Zubin, 2021, "Dynamic CT imaging of bone cement injection through aluminium foam",, DaRUS, V1, UNF:6:H7VS7vaCTD5/iVSCIXdACQ== [fileUNF]
The process of vertebroplasty is experimentally simulated by injecting a commercially available bone cement (rheology previously characterised) into a piece of aluminium foam (diameter 40 mm) with pore structure similar to that of cancellous bone inside a vertebra. The cement inf...
Jun 23, 2021 - Rheological characterisation
Trivedi, Zubin, 2021, "Measuring the viscoelastic properties and curing characterstics of Vertecem V+ bone cement using oscillatory rheometer",, DaRUS, V1, UNF:6:/4Hsn/UYH9QPsLRp8mLktg== [fileUNF]
A commercially available bone cement (Vertecem V+) is subjected to an oscillometric test using a parallel plate rheomter in order to characterise its viscoelastic properties. For this, a small amount of bone cement is placed between the plates of the rheometer and subjected to os...
Dynamic CT imaging(Universität Stuttgart)
Jun 21, 2021Experiment data
Rheological characterisation(Universität Stuttgart)
Jun 21, 2021Experiment data
Experiment data(Universität Stuttgart)
Jun 21, 2021
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