This dataverse includes research data based on investigations of enzymatically induced carbonate precipitation.
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Jul 12, 2022
Ruf, Matthias; Hommel, Johannes; Steeb, Holger, 2022, "Enzymatically induced carbonate precipitation and its effect on capillary pressure-saturation relations of porous media - micro-XRCT dataset of low column (sample 10)",, DaRUS, V1, UNF:6:lD3UlWjZQRaGPURMuWejpw== [fileUNF]
This dataset contains a micro X-ray Computed Tomography (micro-XRCT) data set (projection, reconstructed, and segmented images) from a sintered glass beads column packing with enzymatically induced carbonate precipitation. The prepared sintered glass beads column sample has a dia...
Jul 12, 2022
Ruf, Matthias; Hommel, Johannes; Steeb, Holger, 2022, "Enzymatically induced carbonate precipitation and its effect on capillary pressure-saturation relations of porous media - micro-XRCT dataset of high column (sample 4)",, DaRUS, V1, UNF:6:ZBzSpg62B7xn5d+OtyUilg== [fileUNF]
This dataset contains micro X-ray Computed Tomography (micro-XRCT) data sets (projection, reconstructed, and segmented images) from a sintered glass beads column packing with enzymatically induced carbonate precipitation. The prepared sintered glass beads column sample has a diam...
Jul 11, 2022
Ruf, Matthias; Hommel, Johannes; Steeb, Holger, 2022, "Enzymatically induced carbonate precipitation and its effect on capillary pressure-saturation relations of porous media - micro-XRCT dataset of medium column (sample 3)",, DaRUS, V1, UNF:6:jlP3pZtBY1BpGYRex5PnqA== [fileUNF]
This dataset contains a micro X-ray Computed Tomography (micro-XRCT) data set (projection, reconstructed, and segmented images) from a sintered glass beads column packing with enzymatically induced carbonate precipitation. The prepared sintered glass beads column sample has a dia...
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