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1 to 10 of 61 Results
Jan 15, 2025 - Publication: Development of stochastically reconstructed 3D porous media micromodels using additive manufacturing: numerical and experimental validation
Yiotis, Andreas; Kainourgiakis, Michael, 2025, "Parallel Lattice Boltzmann code for simulating single phase flows in porous domains", https://doi.org/10.18419/DARUS-3705, DaRUS, V1
This dataset contains a parallelized Lattice Boltzmann code, along with an example input domain and input file containing the necessary parameters for a test run. A MATLAB script to visualize and process the simulation results is also provided. Among the uploaded files, Lb7mpi_28...
Jul 29, 2024 - Publication: Foams
Ruf, Matthias; Steeb, Holger, 2024, "In situ micro-XRCT data set of an open-cell polyurethane foam sample under uniaxial compression load", https://doi.org/10.18419/DARUS-3010, DaRUS, V1, UNF:6:uDIvFcZaJFdGVoODn5h7UA== [fileUNF]
This dataset contains seven micro X-Ray Computed Tomography (micro-XRCT) scan data sets (projection, reconstructed, and segmented images, respectively) of an open-cell reticulated Polyurethane (PUR) foam specimen with 10 pores per inch under different uniaxial deformation states....
Jul 22, 2024 - Publication: Direct and indirect measurement of visco-elastic Poisson's ratio
Madadi, Hamid; Fauser, Dominik; Steeb, Holger, 2024, "Direct and Indirect Measurement of Complex Poisson's Ratio - Direct Measurement in Compression", https://doi.org/10.18419/DARUS-3593, DaRUS, V1, UNF:6:DTxQmNKgTlIShukG5ETziA== [fileUNF]
This data set contains directly determined complex Poisson's ratio from axial and transversal strain measurements. Here, the axial and transverse strains were measured locally with strain gauges (K-CXY3-0060-3-350-O, HBK, Darmstadt, Germany) on cylindric polymethyl methacrylate (...
Jul 22, 2024 - Publication: Direct and indirect measurement of visco-elastic Poisson's ratio
Fauser, Dominik; Steeb, Holger, 2024, "Direct and Indirect Measurement of Complex Poisson's Ratio - Direct Measurement in Tension", https://doi.org/10.18419/DARUS-3588, DaRUS, V1, UNF:6:aoD22efdw3P9pBZkFbmlkQ== [fileUNF]
This data set contains directly determined complex Poisson's ratio from axial and transversal strain measurements. Here, the axial and transverse strains were measured locally with strain gauges (K-CXY3-0015-3-350-O, HBK, Darmstadt, Germany) on cylindric polymethyl methacrylate (...
Jul 22, 2024 - Publication: Direct and indirect measurement of visco-elastic Poisson's ratio
Fauser, Dominik; Rodríguez Agudo, José Alberto; Steeb, Holger, 2024, "Direct and Indirect Measurement of Complex Poisson's Ratio - Indirect Measurement in Torsion and Tension", https://doi.org/10.18419/DARUS-3590, DaRUS, V1
This data set contains indirectly calculated complex Poisson's ratio by determining the complex Young's E* and complex shear modulus G* from torsion and tension measurements. The measurements were performed on cylindric polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA, EH-Design, Wörrstadt, Germany...
Jul 16, 2024
This Dataverse contains direct and indirect measurements of viscoelastic Poisson's ratio of Polymethylmethcrylat (PMMA) samples.
May 15, 2024 - Publication: Microfluidic experiments
Vahid Dastjerdi, Samaneh; Steeb, Holger, 2024, "Image processing code for characterization of multiphase flow in porous media", https://doi.org/10.18419/DARUS-4153, DaRUS, V1
This work utilizes microfluidic experiments to gather data captured as snapshots during the experiments. These snapshots provide real-time information and undergo image processing to derive the required data. Image processing involves several steps tailored to the investigations:...
May 13, 2024 - Publication: Microfluidic experiments
Vahid Dastjerdi, Samaneh; Karadimitriou, Nikolaos; Steeb, Holger, 2024, "Data for: Formation of common preferential two-phase displacement pathways in porous media", https://doi.org/10.18419/DARUS-3358, DaRUS, V1, UNF:6:NG0rsoMQg/q3l86T4e08Dw== [fileUNF]
With the use of optical microscopy, microfluidic experiments took place in quasi-2D artificial porous media for a variety of cyclic displacement processes and boundary conditions, four of which are shared here. This Dataset contains the data presented in the related publication V...
Apr 18, 2024 - Publication: Microfluidic experiments
Karadimitriou, Nikolaos; Lee, Dongwon; Vahid Dastjerdi, Samaneh; Steeb, Holger, 2024, "Primary drainage experiments and fractal dimensions", https://doi.org/10.18419/DARUS-4114, DaRUS, V1
The current repository contains raw data in the shape of images collected during a systematic laboratory study, examining the usability of the fractal dimension in the characterization of the flow regime. The study is presented in the paper by Karadimitriou et al., 2024. The two...
Sep 12, 2023 - Publication: Microfluidic experiments
Karadimitriou, Nikolaos; Steeb, Holger; Valavanides, Marios, 2022, "Pressure and volumetric flux measurements intended to scale relative permeability under steady state, co-flow conditions, in a PDMS micromodel", https://doi.org/10.18419/DARUS-2816, DaRUS, V2
The current repository contains raw data collected during a systematic laboratory study, examining the flow rate dependency of steady-state, co-injection of two-immiscible fluids within a microfluidic pore network model. The study is presented in the paper by Karadimitriou et al....
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