1 to 10 of 47 Results
Jan 11, 2024 - Projects without PN Affiliation
Magiera, Jim M., 2024, "Replication Data for: Constraint-aware neural networks for Riemann problems", https://doi.org/10.18419/DARUS-3869, DaRUS, V1
Data sets of the article "Constraint-aware neural networks for Riemann problems", consisting of training and test data sets for Riemann solutions of the cubic flux model, an isothermal two-phase model, and the Euler equations for an ideal gas. You can find detailed information in... |
Mar 8, 2023 - Projects without PN Affiliation
Alkämper, Maria; Magiera, Jim M., 2022, "Interface Preserving Moving Mesh (Code)", https://doi.org/10.18419/DARUS-1671, DaRUS, V2
Open source implementation in C++ for an interface preserving moving mesh in 2d and 3d using CGAL Delaunay triangulations. The time-dependent computational mesh allows for large point deformations while preserving a lower dimensional interface surface. See README.md for more info... |
Jan 20, 2023
Sontheimer, Henrik; Gholijani, Alireza; Stephan, Peter; Gambaryan-Roisman, Tatiana, 2022, "Heat Transfer and Evaporation During the Impingement of a Drop Chain onto a Heated Wall - Supplementary Data", https://doi.org/10.48328/TUDATALIB-787
Supplementary data for the journal paper "Hydrodynamics and heat transport during the vertical coalescence of multiple drops impacting successively onto a hot wall" which can be found under: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2023.123856This Dataset is harvested from our partners. Clicking the link will take you directly to the archival source of the data. |
Sep 6, 2022 - Subarea B5
Gärtner, Jan Wilhelm, 2022, "DG Data Sets of Bubble Growth in Flashing Jets", https://doi.org/10.18419/DARUS-2828, DaRUS, V1
Initial Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) data sets of flashing bubble growth of a jet slice and jet tip configuration. Cases and results can also be found in: D. Dietzel, "Modeling and simulation of flash-boiling of cryogenic liquids", PhD Thesis, University of Stuttgart, 2020. doi: 1... |
Jun 27, 2022
Lee, Eunsang; Müller-Plathe, Floiran, 2022, "Data for Publication: Contact line friction and dynamic contact angles of a capillary bridge between superhydrophobic nanostructured surfaces", https://doi.org/10.48328/TUDATALIB-895
This data is an example data of the simulation of a capillary bridge between two superhydrophobic rough surfaces under steady shear. One can reproduce the results of the paper (DOI:10.1063/5.0098150) from the simulations described in this dataset.This Dataset is harvested from our partners. Clicking the link will take you directly to the archival source of the data. |
May 4, 2022 - Subarea B5
Gärtner, Jan Wilhelm, 2022, "WENO Library for OpenFOAM", https://doi.org/10.18419/DARUS-2819, DaRUS, V1
Weighted essentially non-oscillatory library for the framework of OpenFOAM. Detailed information can also be found here: https://github.com/WENO-OF/WENOEXT |
Mar 16, 2022 - Subarea A2
Hitz, Timon; Jöns, Steven; Heinen, Matthias; Vrabec, Jadran; Munz, Claus-Dieter, 2022, "Data from: Comparison of Macro- and Microscopic Solutions of the Riemann Problem II. Two-Phase Shock Tube", https://doi.org/10.18419/DARUS-2539, DaRUS, V1, UNF:6:KXHY7YYiRv92XPlj1dmSGg== [fileUNF]
This dataset refers to the results of a compressible sharp-interface code published in: Hitz et al. 2021 (Comparison of macro- and microscopic solutions of the Riemann problem II. Two-phase shock tube). Therein, three shock tube-like scenarios were considered in which the initial... |
Mar 7, 2022
Gloerfeld, Mark; Schremb, Markus; Roisman, Ilia; Hussong, Jeanette; Tropea, Cameron, 2022, "Wall impact of mushy frozen drops", https://doi.org/10.48328/TUDATALIB-811
Experimental data and example videos of mushy frozen drops impacting on a solid surface.This Dataset is harvested from our partners. Clicking the link will take you directly to the archival source of the data. |
Mar 3, 2022 - Subarea A7
Potyka, Johanna, 2022, "Exemplary Simulation Results for the Collision of Fully Wetting immiscible Liquids SOM5+G50", https://doi.org/10.18419/DARUS-2489, DaRUS, V1
Simulation results of the Collision of two droplets of the fully wetting immiscible liquids SOM5 (Silicon Oil M5) and G50 (Glycerol-Water solution 50%) produced with the in-house of the Institute of Aerospace Thermodynamics code FS3D for the final report of the SFB-TRR75. For liq... |
Mar 1, 2022 - Subarea A7
Potyka, Johanna; Kromer, Johannes, 2022, "Efficient three-material PLIC Implementation as Fortran Module", https://doi.org/10.18419/DARUS-2488, DaRUS, V1
The dataset provides a Fortran module with the code for the efficient three-phase positioning method. |