This dataset includes experiment and simulation data used in the research described in the paper "A continuum mechanical porous media model for simulating vertebroplasty: Numerical simulations and experimental validation".
The following data is included in the dataset:
Experimentally measured data:
- “rheology_viscosity_time.csv”:
This file contains viscosity vs time characteristics of bone cement Vertecem V+ after 118 ± 10 s after start of bone cement preparation. The rheological measurements were performed on MCR302 rheometer from Anton Paar. Parallel plate geometry (PP) with a 25 mm diameter top plate and a 1.5 mm gap was used. Time sweep measurement using plate-plate with a total measurement time of 20 minutes was run in a rotational mode at a shear rate of 0.2 1/s. Each point was recorded every 5 seconds.
This file contains force vs time data for injection (benchmark) experiment with and without aluminium foam at flow rate 0.1 ml/s.
This file contains force vs time data for injection (benchmark) experiment with and without aluminium foam at flow rate 0.1 ml/s.
- “CemFlow_CF_C06_CoarseFoam06_Cine-40mm-0.4s-AR50-A_302_<1-25>.tif” and “CemFlow_CF_C06_CoarseFoam06_Cine-40mm-0.4s-AR50-B_303_<1-31>.tif”:
These files contain TIF images from computed tomography (CT) scan of aluminium foam during injection with flow rate 0.1 ml/s. Images are in chronological order, i.e. the first 25 files have the suffix “A_302_<1-25>.tif” and the following 31 files have suffix “B_303_<1-31>.tif”. Image resolution: 200 x 200 x 625 microns, time resolution: 0.4 s. The CT scan was carried out on Revolution EVO, GE Medical Systems (Schweiz) AG, Glattbrugg, Switzerland) set at 120 kV and 150 mA, with 0.625 mm slice thickness, bone reconstruction kernel, and 0.4 s rotation time.
- “CemFlow_CF_C04_CoarseFoam04_Cine-40mm-0.4s-AR50_301_<1-15>.tif”:
These files contain TIF images from computed tomography scan of aluminium foam during injection with flow rate 0.4 ml/s. Images are in chronological order. Image resolution: 200 x 200 x 625 microns, time resolution: 0.4 s. The CT scan was carried out on Revolution EVO, GE Medical Systems (Schweiz) AG, Glattbrugg, Switzerland) set at 120 kV and 150 mA, with 0.625 mm slice thickness, bone reconstruction kernel, and 0.4 s rotation time.
Data from simulations:
The files from the simulations are labelled with prefixes, the meanings of which are explained below, followed by numbers from “0000” to “0051”, each being a subsequent time step of 0.1 second, except for the ones simulated over 20 seconds (with prefix including ‘_slow’) which are in time steps of 0.4 seconds. The files can be opened and visualized in Paraview. Please use Paraview version 5.5.2, since newer versions have trouble loading these files.
- “canella_slow”: Simulation of bone cement injection in empty aluminium foam at 0.1 ml/s using the Cannella model for upscaling the rheology.
- “hirasaki_slow”: Simulation of bone cement injection in empty aluminium foam at 0.1 ml/s using the Hirasaki and Popre model for upscaling the rheology.
- “eberhard_slow”: Simulation of bone cement injection in empty aluminium foam at 0.1 ml/s using the average viscosity model for upscaling the rheology.
- “canella”: Simulation of bone cement injection in empty aluminium foam at 0.4 ml/s using the Cannella model for upscaling the rheology.
- “hirasaki”: Simulation of bone cement injection in empty aluminium foam at 0.4 ml/s using the Hirasaki and Popre model for upscaling the rheology.
- “eberhard”: Simulation of bone cement injection in empty aluminium foam at 0.4 ml/s using the average viscosity model for upscaling the rheology.
- “vertebra_empty”: Simulation of bone cement injection in empty vertebra at 0.4 ml/s using the Cannella model for upscaling the rheology.
- “marrow_n<1-6>”: Simulation of bone cement injection in vertebra filled with Newtonian marrow with viscosity 1000, 100, … , 0.01 Pa s (in the given sequence), at 0.4 ml/s using the Cannella model for upscaling the rheology.
- “marrow_nn<1-5>”: Simulation of bone cement injection in vertebra filled with non-Newtonian marrow with viscosity limits 1000 to 100, 100 to 10, .. , 0.1 to 0.01 Pa s (in the given sequence), at 0.4 ml/s using the Cannella model for upscaling the rheology.
- “perm_<x>em<y>”: Simulation of bone cement injection in an empty aluminium foam with permeability value “x times 10-y”, at 0.4 ml/s using the Cannella model for upscaling the rheology.
- “poro_<x>”: Simulation of bone cement injection in an empty aluminium foam with porosity value “x times 10-2” at 0.4 ml/s using the Cannella model for upscaling the rheology.
- “bc_1_<x>”: Simulation of bone cement injection in an empty aluminium foam with Brooks-Corey uniformity parameter value “x”, at 0.4 ml/s using the Cannella model for upscaling the rheology.
- “bc_1_<x>em<y>”: Simulation of bone cement injection in an empty aluminium foam with Brooks-Corey uniformity parameter value “x times 10-y”, at 0.4 ml/s using the Cannella model for upscaling the rheology.
- “bc_2_<x>”: Simulation of bone cement injection in an aluminium foam with Brooks-Corey uniformity parameter value “x” and filled with Newtonian marrow with viscosity 1000 Pa s at 0.4 ml/s using the Cannella model for upscaling the rheology.
- “bc_2_<x>em<y>”: Simulation of bone cement injection in an aluminium foam with Brooks-Corey uniformity parameter value “x times 10-y” and filled with Newtonian marrow with viscosity 1000 Pa s, at 0.4 ml/s using the Cannella model for upscaling the rheology.