The Institute for Visualization and Interactive Systems (VIS) at the University of Stuttgart is an institute of the department of computer science in the faculty of computer science, electrical engineering and information technology. Around 70 people are conducting research and teaching in the areas of visualisation and computer graphics, human-computer interaction and cognitive systems, computer vision and pattern recognition as well as augmented and virtual reality. This DataVerse contains the research data produced by the institute in these fields. Large-scale projects – like collaborative research centres – the institute is participating in might have additional DataVerses containing data produced at VIS. Furthermore, we recommend also visiting the DataVerse of VISUS, our closely related central research institute for the area of visualisation.
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1 to 10 of 27 Results
May 22, 2024 - Perceptual User Interfaces
Zermiani, Francesca, 2024, "InteRead",, DaRUS, V1, UNF:6:peWc+ExRsnPhsVEeOyMu0w== [fileUNF]
The InteRead dataset is designed to explore the impact of interruptions on reading behavior. It includes eye-tracking data from 50 adults with normal or corrected-to-normal eyesight and proficiency in English (native or C1 level). The dataset encompasses a self-paced reading task...
May 16, 2024 - Perceptual User Interfaces
Bulling, Andreas, 2024, "InvisibleEye",, DaRUS, V1
We recorded a dataset of more than 280,000 close-up eye images with ground truth annotation of the gaze location. A total of 17 participants were recorded, covering a wide range of appearances: Gender: Five (29%) female and 12 (71%) male Nationality: Seven (41%) German, seven (41...
Jan 29, 2024
Franke, Max, 2024, "Shaded relief WebMercator 'slippy map' tiles based on NASA Shuttle Radar Topography Mission Global 1 arc second V003 topographic height data",, DaRUS, V1
This dataset contains WebMercator tiles which contain gray-scale shaded relief (hill shades), and nothing else. The tiles have a resolution of 256×256px, suitable for web mapping libraries such as Leaflet. The hill shades are generated from SRTM altitude data, which cover the lan...
Jun 16, 2023
Keller, Christine, 2023, "Ontologies and Rules for Context-Aware Assessment of the Usability of Output Devices and Modalities in Ubiquitous Mobility Systems",, DaRUS, V1
This dataset contains OWL ontologies and SWRL that model the usage context and usability of output devices and modalities for ubiquitous mobility systems. It also contains a usability ontology modeling usability attributes relevant in ubiquitous mobility systems. The SWRL rule se...
May 26, 2023
Hirsch, Alexandra; Franke, Max; Koch, Steffen, 2023, "Source code for "Comparative Study on the Perception of Direction in Animated Map Transitions Using Different Map Projections"",, DaRUS, V1
This repository contains the source code related to an OSF pre-registration for an online study. The goal of the study was to evaluate how well participants can determine the geographical direction of an animated map transition. In our between-subject online study, each of three...
May 26, 2023
Hirsch, Alexandra; Franke, Max; Koch, Steffen, 2023, "Stimulus Data for "Comparative Study on the Perception of Direction in Animated Map Transitions Using Different Map Projections"",, DaRUS, V1
We compare how well participants can determine the geographical direction of an animated map transition. In our between-subject online study, each of three groups is shown map transitions in one map projection: Mercator, azimuthal equidistant projection, or two-point equidistant...
Mar 14, 2023 - Perceptual User Interfaces
Bulling, Andreas, 2023, "MPIIFaceGaze",, DaRUS, V1
We present the MPIIFaceGaze dataset which is based on the MPIIGaze dataset, with the additional human facial landmark annotation and the face regions available. We added additional facial landmark and pupil center annotations for 37,667 face images. Facial landmarks annotations w...
Mar 8, 2023 - Perceptual User Interfaces
Bulling, Andreas, 2023, "Labeled pupils in the wild (LPW)",, DaRUS, V1
We present labelled pupils in the wild (LPW), a novel dataset of 66 high-quality, high-speed eye region videos for the development and evaluation of pupil detection algorithms. The videos in our dataset were recorded from 22 participants in everyday locations at about 95 FPS usin...
Feb 24, 2023 - Perceptual User Interfaces
Bulling, Andreas, 2023, "MPIIEmo",, DaRUS, V1
We present a human-validated dataset that contains 224 high-resolution, multi-view video clips and audio recordings of emotionally charged interactions between eight couples of actors. The dataset is fully annotated with categorical labels for four basic emotions (anger, happines...
Nov 30, 2022 - Perceptual User Interfaces
Bulling, Andreas, 2022, "DEyeAdicContact",, DaRUS, V1, UNF:6:7QxaU+oeOPfaI8gMpCn5cw== [fileUNF]
We created our own dataset of natural dyadic interactions with fine-grained eye contact annotations using videos of dyadic interviews published on YouTube. Especially compared to lab-based recordings, these Youtube interviews allow us to analyse behaviour in a natural situation....
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