Use of physically-based surrogate models to accelerate the optimization of classical force fields and development of new reduced order models for transport properties based on entropy scaling. Machine-learned models for transport properties will be developed with an increasing data-base of simulated force field parameters and substances.
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Aug 26, 2022 - Institute of Thermodynamics and Thermal Process Engineering
Zimmermann, Nils Edvin Richard; Guevara-Carrion, Gabriela; Vrabec, Jadran; Hansen, Niels, 2022, "Supplementary material for 'Predicting and rationalizing the Soret coefficient of binary Lennard-Jones mixtures in the liquid state'",, DaRUS, V2
Supplementary material for 'Predicting and rationalizing the Soret coefficient of binary Lennard-Jones mixtures in the liquid state' (N. E. R. Zimmermann, G. Guevara-Carrion, J. Vrabec, N. Hansen, Adv. Theory Simul., 2022) containing scripts, packages, and files to re-create and...
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