SimTech Project PN 3-5 "Data-integrated Multiscale Modeling of Diffusion-driven Processes in Porous Media" and SimTech Project PN 3-5 (II) "Data-driven multi-scale stability analysis of multi-stimuli-responsive hydrogels"
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Feb 16, 2024 - PN3-5
Sriram, Siddharth, 2024, "Data-driven analysis of structural instabilities in electroactive polymer bilayers based on a variational saddle-point principle: Datasets and ML codes",, DaRUS, V1
The datasets and codes provided here are associated with our article entitled "Data-driven analysis of structural instabilities in electroactive polymer bilayers based on a variational saddle-point principle". The main idea of the work is to develop surrogate models using the con...
Nov 20, 2023 - SPP2311: Ultrasound Neuromodulation
Werneck, Linda; Yildiz, Erdost; Han, Mertcan; Keip, Marc-Andre; Sitti, Metin; Ortiz, Michael, 2023, "Ion Flow Through Neural Ion Membrane: scripts and data",, DaRUS, V1
The scripts and data are related to the numerical implementation of a quantitative model for ion flow through neural ion channels and a validation of the underlying single ion channel flow model for gramicidin A channels. The model is based on the Poisson-Nernst-Planck (PNP) equa...
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