Dataverse for the management of research data within the division of timber constructions of the MPA
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1 to 10 of 11 Results
Aug 31, 2023 - Publications
Tapia Camú, Cristóbal; Aicher, Simon, 2023, "Replication Data for: A new concept for column-to-column connections for multi-storey timber buildings - Numerical and experimental investigations",, DaRUS, V2, UNF:6:gvvNiEJEFzTByhaIsaPJVQ== [fileUNF]
This repository contains the experimental data of the tests described in the paper, as well as the python scripts used for the analysis of the data. Also, the finite element model in form of an Abaqus python script is included.
Apr 20, 2023 - Publications
Tapia Camú, Cristóbal, 2023, "Replication Data for: Holes in glulam - Orientation and design of internal reinforcements",, DaRUS, V1
This repository contains the finite element models for Abaqus used to generate the results shown in the paper. The models are written in Python and were tested with Abaqus v2016. Three models are provided: Model of a glulam beam with a circular hole without reinforcement Model of...
Apr 12, 2022 - IntCDC
Tapia Camú, Cristóbal; Claus, Marian, 2021, "Experimental data for: A finger-joint based edge connection for the weak direction of CLT plates",, DaRUS, V2, UNF:6:3YMGPmWE9BG0uaF+T4A8HQ== [fileUNF]
This repository contains the experimental data collected for the newly developed plate-to-plate connection during the Master's Thesis of Marian Claus. The data corresponds to the two different connection geometries, tested under two different loading conditions: (i) pure bending...
Apr 6, 2022 - Publications
Tapia Camú, Cristóbal; Claus, Marian, 2022, "Replication Models for: A finger-joint based edge connection for the weak direction of CLT plates",, DaRUS, V1
This repository contains the implementation of the analytical and numerical models described and used in the paper to model the developed edge connection for CLT plates in the weak direction. The connection was developed within the frame of the cluster "Integrative Computational...
Mar 21, 2022 - Dissertation Cristobal Tapia
Tapia Camú, Cristóbal, 2022, "Source code for: Stuttgart Stochastic Strength Glulam Model (S3GluM)",, DaRUS, V1
This repository contains the stochastic finite element model developed to study the stiffness and strength variation of glulam beams. The S3GluM model was developed during the PhD thesis of Cristóbal Tapia Camú.
Dissertation Cristobal Tapia(Universität Stuttgart)
Dissertation Cristobal Tapia logo
Mar 11, 2022
Repository containing the relevant data and code for the PhD of Cristóbal Tapia Camú
Sep 24, 2021 - IntCDC
Tapia Camú, Cristóbal; Claus, Marian; Aicher, Simon, 2021, "Replication Data for: Bond line characteristics of a new screw-glued edge connection for the secondary load-bearing direction of CLT plates",, DaRUS, V1, UNF:6:dSQ9iue/duvwotJZTCj2XQ== [fileUNF]
This repository contains experimental data obtained from block shear tests performed on the bond surfaces of the connection for CLT plates presented in a related paper. Additional to the recorded shear strengths, the thickness of the bond surface was recorded at different locatio...
Jun 28, 2021 - Publications
Tapia Camú, Cristóbal; Aicher, Simon, 2021, "Replication Data for: Survival analysis of tensile strength variation and simulated length-size effect along oak boards",, DaRUS, V2, UNF:6:C43cTFx3ny8kNxl+93ca+g== [fileUNF]
Dataset used to develop and calibrate the model for localized tensile strength along oak boards. A survival (or censored) analysis is performed on the cell-wise tensile strength of boards, which delivers coefficients for two different candidate distributions: (i) Beta and (ii) 3-...
IntCDC(Universität Stuttgart)
Feb 18, 2021
This Dataverse contains the repositories with experimental data and simulation models produced within the context of the Research Project 3 of the Cluster of Excellence "Integrative Computational Design and Construction for Architecture" of the University of Stuttgart.
Dec 15, 2020 - Publications
Tapia Camú, Cristóbal; Aicher, Simon, 2020, "Replication Data for: Simulation of the localized modulus of elasticity of hardwood boards by means of an autoregressive model",, DaRUS, V2, UNF:6:3jJ2Tj1s/C8WfiVWORPRtw== [fileUNF]
This repository contains the global and localized data gathered for a set of 52 oak boards with a cross-section of 175 x 24 mm. Modulus of elasticity, density and knot information were recorded.
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