1 to 6 of 6 Results
Mar 5, 2020 -
Digital rock physics and laboratory considerations on a high-porosity volcanic rock: micro-XRCT data sets
RAR Archive - 6.4 GB -
MD5: b0e2a7f4f84a8c102ba9050b73ebb03e
micro-XRCT data set in *.rek and *.tif file format of a dry cubic reticulite sample with about 10 mm side length. 1520 x 1520 x 1480 voxels by a uniform voxel size of 16.01 µm. |
Mar 5, 2020 -
Digital rock physics and laboratory considerations on a high-porosity volcanic rock: micro-XRCT data sets
RAR Archive - 6.7 GB -
MD5: 52d6c4590ed96ed3832f1d0abe8edde2
micro-XRCT data set in *.rek and *.tif file format of a dry cubic reticulite sample with about 5 mm side length. 1520 x 1520 x 1522 voxels by a uniform voxel size of 4.49 µm. |
Mar 5, 2020 -
Digital rock physics and laboratory considerations on a high-porosity volcanic rock: micro-XRCT data sets
RAR Archive - 7.1 GB -
MD5: 2c40fe472f95f8b2310f11aeb4063e55
micro-XRCT data set in *.rek and *.tif file format of a cubic reticulite sample with about 12 mm side length saturated with 1 ml distilled water. 1520 x 1520 x 1554 voxels by a uniform voxel size of 12.85 µm. |
Mar 5, 2020 -
Digital rock physics and laboratory considerations on a high-porosity volcanic rock: micro-XRCT data sets
RAR Archive - 7.1 GB -
MD5: 3d2845a50daec7aa067f5b1056de106b
micro-XRCT data set in *.rek and *.tif file format of a cubic reticulite sample with about 12 mm side length saturated with 500 µl distilled water. 1520 x 1520 x 1554 voxels by a uniform voxel size of 12.85 µm. |
Mar 5, 2020 -
Digital rock physics and laboratory considerations on a high-porosity volcanic rock: micro-XRCT data sets
RAR Archive - 7.0 GB -
MD5: 78855cfc44d4ab07ef4fa49436c70823
micro-XRCT data set in *.rek and *.tif file format of a cubic reticulite sample with about 12 mm side length saturated with 750 µl distilled water. 1520 x 1520 x 1554 voxels by a uniform voxel size of 12.85 µm. |
Mar 5, 2020 -
Digital rock physics and laboratory considerations on a high-porosity volcanic rock: micro-XRCT data sets
RAR Archive - 2.5 MB -
MD5: f0e350647fa4fe27f8d37b0e9a0935ba
Binarized subsamples of 400 x 400 x 400 voxels of "Reticulite-01_AxMF01" and "Reticulite_03_AxMF01" data sets in *.raw file format. A MATLAB script "ReadCTDataToMATLAB_simple.m" to read the data is attached. |