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Nov 21, 2022 - SFB-TRR 161 D04 "Quantitative Aspects of Immersive Analytics for the Life Sciences"
Klein, Karsten; Garkov, Dimitar; Rütschlin, Sina; Böttcher, Thomas; Schreiber, Falk, 2022, "QSDB - a graphical Quorum Sensing Database: VANTED add-on source code", https://doi.org/10.18419/DARUS-3242, DaRUS, V1
The add-on had been designed for the VANTED framework and used to create QSDB Database's collection of clickable networks. Each network is laid out according to SBGN standards, showing quorum sensing and quorum quenching interactions between organisms and signaling molecules. Thi... |
Dec 6, 2021