1 to 4 of 4 Results
Mar 13, 2024 - SFB-TRR 161 B01 "Adaptive Self-Consistent Visualization"
Krake, Tim; Klötzl, Daniel; Hägele, David; Weiskopf, Daniel, 2024, "Uncertainty-Aware Seasonal-Trend Decomposition Based on Loess - Supplemental Material", https://doi.org/10.18419/darus-3845, DaRUS, V1
In this supplemental material, we provide the appendix (mathematically exact propagation of uncertainty) and the video material for uncertainty-aware seasonal-trend decomposition based on loess (UASTL). This material complements the main document: The paper on Uncertainty-Aware S... |
Feb 6, 2024 - SFB-TRR 161 B01 "Adaptive Self-Consistent Visualization"
Rodrigues, Nils; Dennig, Frederik L.; Brandt, Vincent; Keim, Daniel; Weiskopf, Daniel, 2024, "Comparative Evaluation of Animated Scatter Plot Transitions - Supplemental Material", https://doi.org/10.18419/darus-3451, DaRUS, V1
We evaluated several animations for transitions between scatter plots in a crowd-sourcing study. We published the results in a paper and provide additional information within this supplemental material. Contents: Tables that did not fit into the original paper, due to page limits... |
Sep 21, 2022 - SFB-TRR 161 B01 "Adaptive Self-Consistent Visualization"
Rodrigues, Nils; Schulz, Christoph; Döring, Sören; Baumgartner, Daniel; Krake, Tim; Weiskopf, Daniel, 2022, "Supplemental Material for Relaxed Dot Plots: Faithful Visualization of Samples and Their Distribution", https://doi.org/10.18419/darus-3055, DaRUS, V1
Supplemental material for the paper "Relaxed Dot Plots: Faithful Visualization of Samples and Their Distribution". Contains: math behind Relaxed Dot Plots additional images pseudo-anonymous study data source code for library and test application To view the material, extract supp... |
Jun 9, 2022 - SFB-TRR 161 B01 "Adaptive Self-Consistent Visualization"
Yan, Jia Jun; Rodrigues, Nils; Shao, Lin; Schreck, Tobias; Weiskopf, Daniel, 2022, "Sample Implementation for the Paper "Eye Gaze on Scatterplot: Concept and First Results of Recommendations for Exploration of SPLOMs Using Implicit Data Selection"", https://doi.org/10.18419/darus-2810, DaRUS, V1
Java source code of proof-of-concept tool used for the paper "Eye Gaze on Scatterplot: Concept and First Results of Recommendations for Exploration of SPLOMs Using Implicit Data Selection". Code by M.Sc. student Jia Jun Yan. Supervision and concepts by Nils Rodrigues, Lin Shao, T... |