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Jun 15, 2021
Sommerfeld, Heike; Koch, Christian, 2021, "Data for: High velocity measurements of particle rebound characteristics under erosive conditions of high pressure compressors",, DaRUS, V1
This data set contation experimental results of particle rebound measurements on flat plates of Ti6Al4V and stainless steel(1.4301) at high air velocites up to 350m/s and impact angles between 20-90°. The experiments are produced within the context of the research project "Time r...
Jun 15, 2021
Sommerfeld, Heike; Koch, Christian, 2021, "Geometry data of the measurement chamber of the erosion test rig at the institute of aircraft propulsion systems",, DaRUS, V1
This data set contains geometry data of the erosion test rig at the institute of aircraft propusion system. The test rig is used to investigate solid particle erosion in the context of turbomachinery application in several publications. The published test rig geometry is usefull...
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