Analysis and Numerics of sharp and diffuse interface models for droplet dynamics
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1 to 3 of 3 Results
Jan 11, 2024 - Projects without PN Affiliation
Magiera, Jim M., 2024, "Replication Data for: Constraint-aware neural networks for Riemann problems",, DaRUS, V1
Data sets of the article "Constraint-aware neural networks for Riemann problems", consisting of training and test data sets for Riemann solutions of the cubic flux model, an isothermal two-phase model, and the Euler equations for an ideal gas. You can find detailed information in...
Mar 8, 2023 - Projects without PN Affiliation
Alkämper, Maria; Magiera, Jim M., 2022, "Interface Preserving Moving Mesh (Code)",, DaRUS, V2
Open source implementation in C++ for an interface preserving moving mesh in 2d and 3d using CGAL Delaunay triangulations. The time-dependent computational mesh allows for large point deformations while preserving a lower dimensional interface surface. See for more info...
Mar 19, 2021
Magiera, Jim, 2021, "Data Sets for 'A Molecular-Continuum Multiscale Solver for Liquid-Vapor Flow: Modeling and Numerical Simulation'",, DaRUS, V1, UNF:6:Y8rX9qVCRjGzdo+3XFYlMg== [fileUNF]
Data sets of the dissertation 'A Molecular-Continuum Multiscale Solver for Liquid-Vapor Flow: Modeling and Numerical Simulation', comprised of microscale particle simulation results for non-equilibrium liquid-vapor phase boundaries.
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