Summary: Data of the "density-driven dissolution of CO2 in karst water" column experiment. A laboratory column was filled with tapwater (water level 5,55 m) and exposed it to an elevated gaseous CO2-concentration, roughly 50 times the current atmospheric concentration (20000 +/- 5000 ppm). After stripping the water with ambient air, it was initially in equilibrium with atmospheric conditions. Then, the concentration of dissolved CO2 was measured over a time period of 60 days in two different depths in the column. Measuring points are in the column air, 1 m below water level and 0,15 m above ground. CO2-air concentration was provided using an air-membrane pump (KNF N86 KTE) and a 100 l TEDLAR bag (for more detailed information look into the related publication
Class 2021 et al.)
Raw Data: Raw data provided by GMP252 CO2 sensor probes, data accessed from ADL-MX Advanced Datalogger via ADL-C software
Sensor positions: CO2_10: column air
CO2_20: 1 m below water surface
CO2_40: 0.15 m above ground/5.40 m below water surface
Processed Data: Processed Data calculated after formula in the related publication
Class 2021 et al. MC: manufacturer correction
OC: own correction
Sherwood: Calculations for Sherwood number. The density was calculated by an approach of
Garcia 2001 For further information look into the related publication
Class 2021 et al. Buerkle2021a: The
dumux-pub module used to simulate the different scenarios in the related publication
Class 2021 et al.