| To run the code, make sure that all files are located in the same folder. Then either run 'netgen' in this folder or run directly in the NETGEN GUI (> Solve > Load Python). Numerical parameters as well as the dimensionality of the model and visualization parameters can be set in the function 'setUpGeneral' in ''. The provided example functions 'setUpGeometryExample<>' account for all parameters regarding the geometrical setup (pore geometry, boundary conditions etc.). To implement user-specific set-ups one can either adapt the examples or implement new functions accordingly. Range restrictions for parameters are mentioned in ''. Note that the code ensures the validity of the entered parameters by checking whether these restrictions are satisfied. To load the set parameters, the respective geometric setup needs to be selected in line 21 of ''. In case you have implemented new geometric set-up functions (in addition to 'setUpGeometryExample<>') they need to be added to the dict of options for quick access (line 13) first. |