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Nov 6, 2024
Weber, Simon Oskar; Fang, Yuan; Rüdisser, Daniel; Leistner, Philip, 2024, "Replication Data for: "LiDICS: A Light Dynamics Interface for Multi-domain Simulation based on the FMI-Standard"", https://doi.org/10.18419/DARUS-4107, DaRUS, V4, UNF:6:ns7lV/go0N+G3Sp7XbQHaA== [fileUNF]
This dataset contains the following data: fVec.csv: the csv-file with all hemispherical integrals for each spherical harmonics base, sky region and the two slopes SensorPosition.csv: the csv-file with the positions and directions of the illuminance sensors on the workplane and ey... |