This dataverse contains all collected data of "Wendekreisel" with inventory number MÜ44-18. The data is divided into different datasets according to the measurement technique used for digitisation. An information dataset is included with metadata about the object.

In summary, the following is known about the object:

rate gyro
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Teldix/ Bendix?
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Objekt in Krebbpapier und Plastikfolie eingeschlagen
ohne Anschlüsse
Further objects of the same type

MÜ44-18 is one object of the digital gyroscope collection. For more information about the collection and its creation, please see the documentation dataset: Niklaus, Maria, 2021, "Information about the Gyrolog data repository", doi: 10.18419/darus-821, DaRUS.

To refer to the whole collection, please use the following citation: Wagner, Jörg F.; Ceranski, Beate; Fritsch, Dieter; Mammadov, Gasim; Niklaus, Maria; Schweizer, Timo; Simon, Sven; Zhan, Kun, 2021, "Digital Gyroscope Collection Created by the Project 'Gyrolog'", doi: 10.18419/darus-gyrolog, DaRUS.

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Adobe PDF - 224.4 KB - MD5: d34a315d40e816614f91fbf7fe7058b7
Jun 5, 2021
Ceranski, Beate; Fritsch, Dieter; Mammadov, Gasim; Niklaus, Maria; Schweizer, Timo; Simon, Sven; Wagner, Jörg F.; Zhan, Kun, 2021, "Information about MÜ44-18",, DaRUS, V1
Pdf list containing all information collected about this object. For more information see entry in Goobi. This dataset is part of the digital gyroscope collection. For more information about the collection and its creation, please see the documentation dataset: Niklaus, Maria, 20...
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image/ARW - 81.5 MB - MD5: a68b36252286cf96b9ba1ec5ecceef2b
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image/ARW - 81.6 MB - MD5: e04b505f43da640a5dc4420a030b76ab
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