This dataverse contains all collected data of "Kugel KA7 Kreiselrotor" with inventory number KR11-17. The data is divided into different datasets according to the measurement technique used for digitisation. An information dataset is included with metadata about the object.

In summary, the following is known about the object:

gyro rotor
Object condition
geschnitten und lauffähig
Kreiselgeräte Berlin
Object inscription
Left: [Pfeil in Drehrichtung]
Upward: [Kreiselgeräte Berlin KA 7 180V 500~] [Nach 3000 Betriebsstunden Lager wechseln und Fett erneuern. Nur Calypsol 285. Nach Vorschrift verwenden.], [gepr. KO], [Institut für Technische Mechanik der Maschineningenieure, Technische Hochschule Stuttgart, Inv. Nr. Q 4 0002], [Universität Stuttgart Inst. Nr. 1701, Inv. Nr. 00652, Landeseigentum]
Further information
Prof. Dr. Helmut Sorg erwähnte, dass diese Geräte von der Firma Anschütz gekommen seien. Dokumente hierzu waren allerdings nicht auffindbar. Der Kreiselrotor KA7 ist auch in der Studienarbeit von Dr. Steinwand WKI01-09 eingebaut
Object dimensions (height x width x length, possibly with diameter) [mm]
Weight [kg]
Further objects of the same type

KR11-17 is one object of the digital gyroscope collection. For more information about the collection and its creation, please see the documentation dataset: Niklaus, Maria, 2021, "Information about the Gyrolog data repository", doi: 10.18419/darus-821, DaRUS.

To refer to the whole collection, please use the following citation: Wagner, Jörg F.; Ceranski, Beate; Fritsch, Dieter; Mammadov, Gasim; Niklaus, Maria; Schweizer, Timo; Simon, Sven; Zhan, Kun, 2021, "Digital Gyroscope Collection Created by the Project 'Gyrolog'", doi: 10.18419/darus-gyrolog, DaRUS.

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1 to 10 of 31 Results
Adobe PDF - 230.9 KB - MD5: fd5df45f3b2a6f656dd0aca0a6acbaa7
May 21, 2021
Ceranski, Beate; Fritsch, Dieter; Mammadov, Gasim; Niklaus, Maria; Schweizer, Timo; Simon, Sven; Wagner, Jörg F.; Zhan, Kun, 2021, "Information about KR11-17",, DaRUS, V1
Pdf list containing all information collected about this object. For more information see entry in Goobi. This dataset is part of the digital gyroscope collection. For more information about the collection and its creation, please see the documentation dataset: Niklaus, Maria, 20...
May 21, 2021
Ceranski, Beate; Fritsch, Dieter; Mammadov, Gasim; Niklaus, Maria; Schweizer, Timo; Simon, Sven; Wagner, Jörg F.; Zhan, Kun, 2021, "2D pictures of KR11-17",, DaRUS, V1
Dataset contains all pictures (.jpg; .arw) that were taken during the 2D digitisation strategy for this object. Order of data: object was digitised according to a digitisation schema visible within the Dataset characteristic view, front view, left view, back view, right view, bot...
May 21, 2021 - 2D pictures of KR11-17
JPEG Image - 8.5 MB - MD5: 8ae7e284ded9c434725a0a512a13c99a
May 21, 2021 - 2D pictures of KR11-17
JPEG Image - 8.3 MB - MD5: c5785e11e8b60a8a3bda9c60084029c2
May 21, 2021 - 2D pictures of KR11-17
JPEG Image - 7.4 MB - MD5: dbc3a3a2524eaceace8a4ef45920d5d6
May 21, 2021 - 2D pictures of KR11-17
JPEG Image - 7.7 MB - MD5: ea303eb79cbc50a51140eaccb3809eb9
May 21, 2021 - 2D pictures of KR11-17
JPEG Image - 6.5 MB - MD5: 04bc8e13ef997847699328aef2536041
May 21, 2021 - 2D pictures of KR11-17
JPEG Image - 7.4 MB - MD5: b3db92d0fddcac9f9af8beb349af9973
May 21, 2021 - 2D pictures of KR11-17
JPEG Image - 9.0 MB - MD5: db4aba4b22aaa832935f808222730b7a
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