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Feb 14, 2020 - INNWIND
Lemmer, Frank; Azcona, José; Bredmose, Henrik; Borisade, Friedemann; Campagnolo, Filippo; Heilskov, Nicolai Francis; Kaufer, Daniel; Kim, Yusik; Klein, Levin; Koch, Christian; Lutz, Thorsten; Manjock, Andreas; Manolas, Dimitris; Robertson, Amy; Jonkman, Jason; Wendt, Fabian; Vittori, Felipe; Voutsinas, Spyros, 2020, "INNWIND.EU scaled experiments of the OC4-DeepCwind semi-submersible", https://doi.org/10.18419/DARUS-513, DaRUS, V1
A floating wind test campaign was conducted within INNWIND.EU at LHEEA Nantes/France in 2014. The tested model is the OC4-DeepCwind semi-submersible in a scale of 1:45. The scaled 5MW rotor has re-designed blades with large chord to yield the Froude-scaled thrust force. In order... |
Feb 11, 2020 - TripleSpar
Lemmer, Frank; Raach, Steffen; Schlipf, David; Faerron-Guzmán, Ricardo; Cheng, Po Wen, 2020, "FAST model of the SWE-TripleSpar floating wind turbine platform for the DTU 10MW reference wind turbine", https://doi.org/10.18419/DARUS-514, DaRUS, V1
The present dataset contains the OpenFAST input files for the TripleSpar floating wind turbine platform that was developed in the European projects INNWIND.EU and LIFES50+. In Task 4.3 of the European FP7-project INNWIND.EU, innovative design solutions for large offshore wind tur... |