1 to 3 of 3 Results
Dec 2, 2024 - LIDAR
Hofsäß, Martin; Schurig, Fabian, 2024, "Lidar_StreamlineXR_Starring_Winset_Test_Site", https://doi.org/10.18419/DARUS-4603, DaRUS, V1
Complementary lidar measurements to the ANDroMeDA-UAV measurements in the area of the Winsent test field. The Streamline XR lidar system was operated in starring mode with gate overlapping, which enables a spatial resolution of 1.5m along the laser beam. The file name contains th... |
Jan 2, 2022 - ParkCast
Würth, Ines; Wigger, Maayen; Berlinger, Philipp, 2022, "Scanning wind lidar dataset from the alpha ventus wind farm", https://doi.org/10.18419/DARUS-2298, DaRUS, V1
In the nationally funded project ParkCast new methods for short-term power prediction for offshore wind farms will be developed, optimized and evaluated. The power forecasts focus on the time range up to 60 minutes with high temporal resolution. The aim is to significantly improv... |
Feb 14, 2020 - INNWIND
Lemmer, Frank; Azcona, José; Bredmose, Henrik; Borisade, Friedemann; Campagnolo, Filippo; Heilskov, Nicolai Francis; Kaufer, Daniel; Kim, Yusik; Klein, Levin; Koch, Christian; Lutz, Thorsten; Manjock, Andreas; Manolas, Dimitris; Robertson, Amy; Jonkman, Jason; Wendt, Fabian; Vittori, Felipe; Voutsinas, Spyros, 2020, "INNWIND.EU scaled experiments of the OC4-DeepCwind semi-submersible", https://doi.org/10.18419/DARUS-513, DaRUS, V1
A floating wind test campaign was conducted within INNWIND.EU at LHEEA Nantes/France in 2014. The tested model is the OC4-DeepCwind semi-submersible in a scale of 1:45. The scaled 5MW rotor has re-designed blades with large chord to yield the Froude-scaled thrust force. In order... |