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1 to 10 of 14 Results
May 15, 2024
Euchner, Florian; Stephan, Phillip; Gauger, Marc; Ten Brink, Stephan, 2024, "CSI Dataset dichasus-adxx: ARENA2036: Distributed setup in industrial environment at 3.4GHz", https://doi.org/10.18419/DARUS-4062, DaRUS, V2
Dataset containing channel state information (CSI) alongside ground truth data (position tags, timestamps) of a massive MIMO-OFDM system measured with the DICHASUS channel sounder. Measurement parameters and machine-readable file format descriptions are provided in a JSON file (s...
Apr 12, 2024
Euchner, Florian; Gauger, Marc, 2022, "CSI Dataset dichasus-cf0x: Distributed Antenna Setup in Industrial Environment, Day 1", https://doi.org/10.18419/DARUS-2854, DaRUS, V3
Dataset containing channel state information (CSI) alongside ground truth data (position tags, timestamps) of a massive MIMO-OFDM system measured with the DICHASUS channel sounder. Measurement parameters and machine-readable file format descriptions are provided in a JSON file (s...
Dec 5, 2023
Euchner, Florian; Stephan, Phillip; Gauger, Marc, 2023, "CSI Dataset dichasus-dcxx: Institute hallway with known 3D model, distributed antennas", https://doi.org/10.18419/DARUS-3831, DaRUS, V1
Dataset containing channel state information (CSI) alongside ground truth data (position tags, timestamps) of a massive MIMO-OFDM system measured with the DICHASUS channel sounder. Measurement parameters and machine-readable file format descriptions are provided in a JSON file (s...
Oct 20, 2022
Euchner, Florian; Gauger, Marc, 2022, "CSI Dataset dichasus-dxxx-reduced: Outdoor - Three arrays distributed along the facade (one antenna removed)", https://doi.org/10.18419/DARUS-3236, DaRUS, V1
Dataset containing channel state information (CSI) alongside ground truth data (position tags, timestamps) of a massive MIMO-OFDM system measured with the DICHASUS channel sounder. Measurement parameters and machine-readable file format descriptions are provided in a JSON file (s...
Sep 29, 2022
Euchner, Florian; Gauger, Marc, 2022, "CSI Dataset dichasus-dxxx-complete: Outdoor - Three arrays distributed along the facade", https://doi.org/10.18419/DARUS-3153, DaRUS, V1
Dataset containing channel state information (CSI) alongside ground truth data (position tags, timestamps) of a massive MIMO-OFDM system measured with the DICHASUS channel sounder. Measurement parameters and machine-readable file format descriptions are provided in a JSON file (s...
Sep 28, 2022
Euchner, Florian; Gauger, Marc, 2022, "CSI Dataset dichasus-cf1x-part2: Distributed Antenna Setup in Industrial Environment, Day 2, Second Part", https://doi.org/10.18419/DARUS-3151, DaRUS, V1
Dataset containing channel state information (CSI) alongside ground truth data (position tags, timestamps) of a massive MIMO-OFDM system measured with the DICHASUS channel sounder. Measurement parameters and machine-readable file format descriptions are provided in a JSON file (s...
Sep 26, 2022
Euchner, Florian; Gauger, Marc, 2022, "CSI Dataset dichasus-cf1x-part1: Distributed Antenna Setup in Industrial Environment, Day 2, First Part", https://doi.org/10.18419/DARUS-3150, DaRUS, V1
Dataset containing channel state information (CSI) alongside ground truth data (position tags, timestamps) of a massive MIMO-OFDM system measured with the DICHASUS channel sounder. Measurement parameters and machine-readable file format descriptions are provided in a JSON file (s...
Mar 3, 2022
Euchner, Florian; Gauger, Marc, 2022, "CSI Dataset dichasus-cb0x: Industrial Environment LoS Day 2", https://doi.org/10.18419/DARUS-2604, DaRUS, V1
Dataset containing channel state information (CSI) alongside ground truth data (position tags, timestamps) of a massive MIMO-OFDM system measured with the DICHASUS channel sounder. Measurement parameters and machine-readable file format descriptions are provided in a JSON file (s...
Feb 21, 2022
Euchner, Florian; Gauger, Marc, 2022, "CSI Dataset dichasus-ca0x: Industrial Environment LoS Day 1", https://doi.org/10.18419/DARUS-2507, DaRUS, V1
Dataset containing channel state information (CSI) alongside ground truth data (position tags, timestamps) of a massive MIMO-OFDM system measured with the DICHASUS channel sounder. Measurement parameters and machine-readable file format descriptions are provided in a JSON file (s...
Feb 2, 2022
Euchner, Florian; Gauger, Marc, 2022, "CSI Dataset dichasus-0d5x: Distributed Arrays: Indoor LoS, Lab Room", https://doi.org/10.18419/DARUS-2218, DaRUS, V1
Dataset containing channel state information (CSI) alongside ground truth data (position tags, timestamps) of a massive MIMO-OFDM system measured with the DICHASUS channel sounder. Measurement parameters and machine-readable file format descriptions are provided in a JSON file (s...
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