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1 to 10 of 32 Results
Jul 29, 2024 - PN 7-6
Kneifl, Jonas; Rettberg, Johannes; Fehr, Jörg, 2024, "Coupled thermo-mechanical simulation results of a finite element discbrake",, DaRUS, V1
Simulation Results of a Finite Element Discbrake The finite element model describes an academic representation of a heated discbrake. It is implemented in the commercial simulation software Abaqus. It is composed out of one layer of 60 elements resulting in a total of 146 nodes w...
Jul 29, 2024 - CHOLife_TUHH_LSP_tracking
Rautenbach, Ryan; Buntkiel, Lukas; Schäfer, Jan; Hofmann, Sebastian, 2024, "Processes data and code for Dynamics of Lagrangian Sensor Particles",, DaRUS, V1
This repository entails the data and Pythoncode for the publication "Dynamics of Lagrangian Sensor Particles: The Effect of Non-Homogeneous Mass Distribution" in the journal "Processes". In the following a brief introduction and guide based on the folders in the repository is lai...
Jun 26, 2024 - Extended Hill-Type Muscle Material Model (EHTM)
Nölle, Lennart Vincent; Lerge, Patrick; Martynenko, Oleksandr; Wochner, Isabell; Kempter, Fabian; Kleinbach, Christian; Schmitt, Syn; Fehr, Jörg, 2022, "EHTM Code and Manual",, DaRUS, V3
This Dataset contains the implementation of the four element Extended Hill-type Muscle (EHTM) model with serial damping and eccentric force–velocity relation including Ca2+ dependent activation dynamics and internal methods for physiological muscle control for the finite-element...
Jun 21, 2024 - POREMAPS: Code, Benchmarks, Applications
Krach, David; Ruf, Matthias; Steeb, Holger, 2024, "POREMAPS 1.0.0: Code, Benchmarks, Applications",, DaRUS, V1
Initial release 1.0.0 for POREMAPS, PORous Media Anisotropic Permeability Solver for Stokes flow including benchmarks and applications according to Krach et al. (2024). POREMAPS is a Finite Difference Method (FDM) -based parallized Stokes flow solver using MPI, specifically desig...
Jun 7, 2024 - ABxM Framework for Agent-based Modeling and Simulation
Nguyen, Long; Schwinn, Tobias; Groenewolt, Abel; Maierhofer, Mathias; Zorn, Max Benjamin; Stieler, David; Siriwardena, Lasath; Kannenberg, Fabian; Menges, Achim, 2022, "ABxM.Core: The Core Libraries of the ABxM Framework",, DaRUS, V2
The ABxM.Core consists of the agent core library ABxM.Core and an interoperability library for Rhino 6 and later versions. ABxM.Core implements the functionality specific to agent-based modelling and simulation. The core library can, in principle, be referenced from any applicati...
Jun 3, 2024 - Usability and Sustainability of Simulation Software
Chen, Jun; Chourdakis, Gerasimos; Desai, Ishaan; Homs-Pons, Carme; Rodenberg, Benjamin; Schneider, David; Simonis, Frédéric; Uekermann, Benjamin; Davis, Kyle; Jaust, Alexander; Kelm, Mathis; Kotarsky, Niklas; Kschidock, Helena; Mishra, Durganshu; Mühlhäußer, Markus; Schrader, Timo Pierre; Schulte, Miriam; Seitz, Valentin; Signorelli, Joseph; van Zwieten, Gertjan; Vinnitchenko, Niklas; Vladimirova, Tina; Willeke, Leonard; Zonta, Elia, 2024, "preCICE Distribution Version v2404.0",, DaRUS, V1
The preCICE distribution is the larger ecosystem around preCICE, which includes the core library, language bindings, adapters for popular solvers, tutorials, and vagrant files to prepare a virtual machine image. The compressed source files of this data set are only meant to archi...
May 23, 2024 - EXC IntCDC RP 3: Multi-Storey Wood Building System
Orozco, Luis; Siriwardena, Lasath; Menges, Achim, 2024, "ABxM.MultiStorey.Columns: Agent-based Column Arrangement for Multi-Storey Structures",, DaRUS, V1
ABxM.MultiStorey.Columns is an add-on for the agent-based design and arrangement of columns in multi-storey, point-supported structures. The add-on contains various agent system constructs and utilities for column arrangement and is intended to be used within Rhino/Grasshopper. T...
May 23, 2024 - EXC IntCDC RP 3: Multi-Storey Wood Building System
Orozco, Luis; Skoury, Lior; Menges, Achim, 2024, "Multi-Level, Multi-Agent Timber Slab Design Method Proof of Concept",, DaRUS, V1
This repository contains the algorithmic methods and geometric results of the proof of concept for a multi-level, multi-agent timber slab design method. It includes the base plan, the structural simulation methods used for both its initial rough and subsequent fine grain analysis...
May 23, 2024 - EXC IntCDC RP 3: Multi-Storey Wood Building System
Udaykumar, Keerthana; Orozco, Luis; Krtschil, Anna; Menges, Achim; Knippers, Jan, 2024, "Timber Column Slab Solver",, DaRUS, V1
This dataset contains an agent-based exploration of the design space for modular slab and column systems. The primary objective is to equip designers with the ability to pinpoint structural configurations that adhere to Serviceability Limit State (SLS) deflection criteria from th...
Apr 23, 2024 - CHOLife_TUHH_LSP_tracking
Hofmann, Sebastian; Buntkiel, Lukas; Rautenbach, Ryan; Gaugler, Lena; Ma, Yifan; Haase, Ingrid; Fitschen, Jürgen; Wucherpfennig, Thomas; Reinecke, Sebastian; Hoffmann, Marko; Takors, Ralf; Hampel, Uwe; Schlüter, Michael, 2024, "Data for: Experimental Analysis of Lifelines in a 15,000 L Bioreactor by Means of Lagrangian Sensor Particles",, DaRUS, V1
The DaRUS repository entails the raw files, result files and the MATLAB codes for the publication "Experimental Analysis of Lifelines in a 15,000 L Bioreactor by Means of Lagrangian Sensor Particles" in the journal "Chemical Engineering Research and Design". This study employs La...
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