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1 to 10 of 98 Results
Sep 6, 2024 - Institute of Applied Analysis and Numerical Simulation
Bordignon, Andrea; Cances, Eric; Dusson, Geneviève; Kemlin, Gaspard; Lainez Reyes, Rafael; Stamm, Benjamin, 2024, "Replication Data for: Fully guaranteed and computable error bounds on the energy for periodic Kohn-Sham equations with convex density functionals",, DaRUS, V1
Data for reproducibility of the numerical simulations of the research paper "Fully guaranteed and computable error bounds on the energy for periodic Kohn-Sham equations with convex density functionals". The .zip file contains everything needed to generate the plots shown in the p...
Sep 2, 2024 - SFB-TRR 161 A01 "Uncertainty Quantification and Analysis in Visual Computing"
Reichmann, Luca; Hägele, David; Weiskopf, Daniel, 2024, "Supplemental Material for Out-of-Core Dimensionality Reduction for Large Data via Out-of-Sample Extensions",, DaRUS, V1, UNF:6:WoQ4MNffz92VcvZ/qCGL5w== [fileUNF]
This dataset contains the supplemental material for "Out-of-Core Dimensionality Reduction for Large Data via Out-of-Sample Extensions". The contents and usage of this dataset are described in the files.
Aug 23, 2024 - Usability and Sustainability of Simulation Software
Homs-Pons, Carme; Schneider, David; Simonis, Frédéric; Schulte, Miriam; Uekermann, Benjamin, 2024, "Replication Data for: Partitioned Multiphysics Simulation of an Electrophysiological Three-Tendon-Biceps Model",, DaRUS, V1
This dataset contains software (preCICE v3.1.2, OpenDiHu, deal.II-based solver and ASTE) as well as setup files and instructions to reproduce the experiments "Partitioned Multiphysics Simulation of an Electrophysiological Three-Tendon-Biceps Model". The actual results of the expe...
Aug 8, 2024 - PN 6-3
Holzmüller, David; Grinsztajn, Léo; Steinwart, Ingo, 2024, "Code and Data for: Better by default: Strong pre-tuned MLPs and boosted trees on tabular data",, DaRUS, V1
This dataset contains code and data for our paper "Better by default: Strong pre-tuned MLPs and boosted trees on tabular data". The main code is provided in and contains further documentation in and the docs folder. The main code is also provided on Gi...
Jul 29, 2024 - PN 7-6
Kneifl, Jonas; Rettberg, Johannes; Fehr, Jörg, 2024, "Coupled thermo-mechanical simulation results of a finite element discbrake",, DaRUS, V1
Simulation Results of a Finite Element Discbrake The finite element model describes an academic representation of a heated discbrake. It is implemented in the commercial simulation software Abaqus. It is composed out of one layer of 60 elements resulting in a total of 146 nodes w...
Jul 29, 2024 - CHOLife_TUHH_LSP_tracking
Rautenbach, Ryan; Buntkiel, Lukas; Schäfer, Jan; Hofmann, Sebastian, 2024, "Processes data and code for Dynamics of Lagrangian Sensor Particles",, DaRUS, V1
This repository entails the data and Pythoncode for the publication "Dynamics of Lagrangian Sensor Particles: The Effect of Non-Homogeneous Mass Distribution" in the journal "Processes". In the following a brief introduction and guide based on the folders in the repository is lai...
Jul 5, 2024 - KnowGraphs (EU)
Xiong, Bo; Potyka, Nico; Tran, Trung-Kien; Nayyeri, Mojtaba; Staab, Steffen, 2024, "Code for Faithful Embeddings for EL++ Knowledge Bases",, DaRUS, V1
This is the official pytorch implementation of the paper "Faithful embeddings for EL++ Knowledge Bases" published in ISWC 2022. The code was implemented based on el-embeddings. The code can be used to reproduce the experiments on subsumption reasoning. To execute the code, follow...
Jul 5, 2024 - KnowGraphs (EU)
Xiong, Bo; Nayyeri, Mojtaba; Cochez, Michael; Staab, Steffen, 2024, "Code for Hyperbolic Embedding Inference for Structured Multi-Label Prediction",, DaRUS, V1
This is a PyTorch implementation of the paper Hyperbolic Embedding Inference for Structured Multi-Label Prediction published in NeurIPS 2022. The code provides the Python scripts to reproduce the experiments in the paper, as well as a proof-of-concept example of the method. To ex...
Jul 5, 2024 - KnowGraphs (EU)
Xiong, Bo; Nayyeri, Mojtaba; Luo, Linhao; Wang, Zihao; Pan, Shirui; Staab, Steffen, 2024, "Replication Data for NestE: Modeling Nested Relational Structures for Knowledge Graph Reasoning (AAAI'24)",, DaRUS, V1
This code is a PyTorch implementation of the paper "NestE: Modeling Nested Relational Structures for Knowledge Graph Reasoning (AAAI'24)". NestE is a knowledge graph embedding method that can encode nested facts represented by quoted triples (h,r,t) in which the subject and objec...
Jul 5, 2024 - KnowGraphs (EU)
Xiong, Bo; Zhu, Shichao; Nayyeri, Mojtaba; Xu, Chengjin; Pan, Shirui; Staab, Steffen, 2024, "Code for Ultrahyperbolic Knowledge Graph Embeddings",, DaRUS, V1
This is a Pytorch implementation of the paper Ultrahyperbolic Knowledge Graph Embeddings published in KDD 2022. This code is used to reproduce the experiments of the method UltraE, a geometric embedding approach for knowledge graph embeddings. The code is tested on public dataset...
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