Input data, scripts, and results of the data mapping tests of section 2.2 of "Chourdakis et al., preCICE v2 - A Sustainable and User-Friendly Coupling Library, 2022".
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| Chourdakis, G., Davis, K., Rodenberg, B., Schulte, M., Simonis, F., Uekermann, B., Abrams, G., Bungartz, H.-J., Cheung Yau, L., Desai, I., Eder, K., Hertrich, R., Lindner, F., Rusch, A., Sashko, D., Schneider, D., Totounferoush, A., Volland, D., Vollmer, P. and Ziya Koseomur, O., 2021. preCICE v2: A Sustainable and User-Friendly Coupling Library. arXiv preprintarXiv: 2109.14470 |
| Refer to the README file for instructions on running the simulation cases and reproducing the data |