Persistent Identifier
doi:10.18419/darus-2382 |
Publication Date
2024-03-25 |
| Benchmarking in subsurface hydrological inversion: high-fidelity reference solution and EnKF replication data |
| Replication data for |
| Xu, Teng (Universität Stuttgart) - ORCID: 0000-0002-0207-9061 |
Point of Contact
Use email button above to contact.
Xu, Teng (Universität Stuttgart)
Nowak, Wolfgang (Universität Stuttgart) |
| Description:
Dataset published with the paper "Towards a community-wide effort for benchmarking in subsurface hydrological inversion: benchmarking cases, high-fidelity reference solutions, procedure and a first comparison". You can use these data to generate the comparisons between the EnKF and the MCMC solution as seen in the paper.
Folder structure & Nomenclature:
- Each folder with reference data starts with "ref_", followed by the scenario identifier like for S0, "ref_S0". See the scenario description below for further explanation.
- In each of the reference folders, the several MCMC chains are stored. Please refer to the publication for further information about the file.
- Each folder with solutions that are not references, but just replications, start with "rep_", like for the S0 steady state EnKF, "rep_EnKF_S01".
- In these folders, the datafiles including the solutions are stored.
- For your own references, we recommend creating your own folder called "rep_YourFolderName_ScenarioSpecifier".
Scenario description:
- S0 is the base case. It features a relatively strong degree of heterogeneity with σθ = 2, relatively accurate measurement data with σe = 0.05 [L], irregularly placed observations, and steady-state groundwater flow.
- S1 features the regular grid of observations instead of the random one. While irregular monitoring 375 networks are more realistic, the very close spacing of a few monitoring wells may pose a problem to some methods due to their high autocorrelation. Therefore, S1 is a fallback scenario.
- S2 is again like S0, but reduces the strength of heterogeneity from σθ = 2 to σθ = 1. While σθ = 2 is a more realistic degree of heterogeneity, it may already be challenging for methods that are explicitly or implicitly linearization-based. Therefore, S2 is a fallback scenario.
- S3 is again like S0, but increases the assumed level of observational errors from σe = 0.05 [L] to σe =0.1 [L]. Given the overall head difference of 20 [L] across the domain by the boundary conditions, these values can be classified as high and medium accuracy, respectively. Iterative or sampling-based methods may have problems with the accuracy requirement posed by the large accuracy in S0. Once again, S3 is a fallback solution. However, as posterior uncertainties will remain larger for smaller measurement accuracy, S3 may also trigger stronger non-linearities across the larger remaining postcalibration uncertainty ranges.
- S4 changes S0 to feature transient (instead of steady-state) groundwater flow. This is relevant for
EnKF-type methods that work via transient data assimilation and that do not iterate.
Download and benchmarking: Github Package (2022-01-18) |
| Earth and Environmental Sciences; Engineering; Mathematical Sciences |
| Hydrology (Wikidata)
Bayesian Inference (Wikidata) |
Topic Classification
| Hydrology (Wikidata) |
Related Publication
| Xu T, Xiao S, Reuschen S, Wildt N, Franssen HJH, Nowak W. Towards a community-wide effort for benchmarking in subsurface hydrological inversion: benchmarking cases, high-fidelity reference solutions, procedure and a first comparison. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. doi: 10.5194/hess-2024-60 |
| English |
| Research Group : Nowak, Wolfgang
Researcher : Xu, Teng
Researcher : Xiao, Sinan
Researcher : Wildt, Nils
Researcher : Hendricks-Franssen, Harrie-Jan
Researcher : Reuschen, Sebastian |
Funding Information
| DFG: 359880532
DFG: EXC 2075 - 390740016
NSFC: 42377046 |
| Xu, Teng |
Deposit Date
| 2022-01-18 |