This dataset contains experimental data acquired from the benchmark system of the Tribomechadynamics Research Challenge [1]. The tests were part of Project 3 of the Tribomechadynamics Research Camp 2022 in Stuttgart [2]. CAD models, technical drawings and design documentation are available in [4].
Data obtained by linear modal testing is available, along with data obtained by three types of nonlinear tests, Phase Resonance Testing (PRT), Response Controlled Testing (RCT), and Excitation Controlled Testing (ECT). The test methods are described in [3].
Velocity data was acquired using a multi-point vibrometer (MPV). The 17 sensor locations are indicated in Figure 3 in [3]. Single-point/differential vibrometers (SPVs) were used for feedback control during the nonlinear tests. The SPV data is redundant with the MPV data, and is thus not contained in this dataset.
The naming and the content of each data file type is described in the file “README”.
[1] tribomechadynamics-research-challenge-2021/ [2] [3] [4] ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
M. Krack is grateful for the funding received by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) [Project 450056469, 495957501].
This work presents results of the Tribomechadynamics Research Camp (TRC). The authors thank MTU Aero Engines AG for sponsoring the TRC 2022.
The support from NSF grant No: 1847130 is appreciated by A. Bhattu.
S. Hermann is grateful for the funding received by the EIPHI Graduate School, ANR-17-EURE-0002.
N. Jamia gratefully acknowledges the support of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council through the award of the Programme Grant “Digital Twins for Improved Dynamic Design”, grant number EP/R006768/1.