This dataverse collects data and codes for coupling free flow and porous-media flow with DuMuX and preCICE. More specifically, the results have been presented in the publication: Jaust A., Weishaupt K., Mehl M., Flemisch B. (2020) Partitioned Coupling Schemes for Free-Flow and Porous-Media Applications with Sharp Interfaces. In: Klöfkorn R., Keilegavlen E., Radu F., Fuhrmann J. (eds) Finite Volumes for Complex Applications IX - Methods, Theoretical Aspects, Examples. FVCA 2020. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol 323. Springer, Cham.
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Mar 25, 2021
Jaust, Alexander; Weishaupt, Kilian; Flemisch, Bernd; Schulte, Miriam, 2021, "Replication Data for: Partitioned Coupling Schemes for Free-Flow and Porous-Media Applications with Sharp Interfaces",, DaRUS, V1
This repository contains simulation data used in including the scripts for determining the errors presented in the publication. Additional results for Navier-Stokes flow has been added. Further information on the dataset, its structure...
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