1 to 4 of 4 Results
Oct 28, 2022
Burbulla, Samuel; Hörl, Maximilian; Rohde, Christian, 2022, "Replication Data for: Flow in Porous Media with Fractures of Varying Aperture", https://doi.org/10.18419/darus-3227, DaRUS, V1
This data set contains the simulation data for the results presented in [S. Burbulla, M. Hörl, and C. Rohde (2022). "Flow in Porous Media with Fractures of Varying Aperture." Submitted for publication, https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2207.09301]. We consider the numerical solution... |
Oct 28, 2022
Burbulla, Samuel; Hörl, Maximilian; Rohde, Christian, 2022, "Source Code for: Flow in Porous Media with Fractures of Varying Aperture", https://doi.org/10.18419/darus-3012, DaRUS, V1
Python source code to replicate the results in [S. Burbulla, M. Hörl, and C. Rohde (2022). "Flow in Porous Media with Fractures of Varying Aperture." Submitted for publication, https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2207.09301]. The contained Python package "mmdgpy" is an implementation... |
Mar 25, 2021
Burbulla, Samuel; Rohde, Christian, 2021, "Replication Data for: A Finite-Volume Moving-Mesh Method for Two-phase Flow in Fracturing Porous Media", https://doi.org/10.18419/darus-1712, DaRUS, V1, UNF:6:5SiZw47jNRaRUzSpL1A7Qg== [fileUNF]
This is the replication data for the publication "A Finite-Volume Moving-Mesh Method for Two-phase Flow in Fracturing Porous Media". This dataset contains the source code of the implementation and the raw data of the published results. |
Feb 5, 2021
Burbulla, Samuel, 2021, "The DUNE MMesh Module (Release 1.2)", https://doi.org/10.18419/darus-1257, DaRUS, V1
The dune-mmesh module is an implementation of the DUNE grid interface that wraps CGAL triangulations in 2D and 3D. It is also capable to export a prescribed set of cell facets as a dim-1 interface grid and remesh the grid when moving this interface. |