Modeling and simulation of the flash evaporation of cryogenic liquids
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Sep 6, 2022
Gärtner, Jan Wilhelm, 2022, "DG Data Sets of Bubble Growth in Flashing Jets",, DaRUS, V1
Initial Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) data sets of flashing bubble growth of a jet slice and jet tip configuration. Cases and results can also be found in: D. Dietzel, "Modeling and simulation of flash-boiling of cryogenic liquids", PhD Thesis, University of Stuttgart, 2020. doi: 1...
May 4, 2022
Gärtner, Jan Wilhelm, 2022, "WENO Library for OpenFOAM",, DaRUS, V1
Weighted essentially non-oscillatory library for the framework of OpenFOAM. Detailed information can also be found here:
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