Persistent Identifier
doi:10.18419/DARUS-1774 |
Publication Date
2021-05-05 |
| Replication Data for: "Efficient and Spatially Controlled Functionalization of SBA-15 and Initial Results in Asymmetric Rh-Catalyzed 1,2-Additions under Confinement" |
| Data of all participating research groups |
| Beurer, Ann-KatrinInstitute of Technical Chemistry, University Stuttgart
Kirchhof, ManuelInstitute of Organic Chemistry, University Stuttgart
Bruckner, Johanna R.Institute of Physical Chemistry, University StuttgartORCID0000-0001-7183-6532
Dyballa, MichaelInstitute of Technical Chemistry, University StuttgartORCID0000-0002-8883-1145 |
Point of Contact
Use email button above to contact.
Traa, Yvonne (Institute of Technical Chemistry, University Stuttgart) |
| The manuscript describes a method, which ensures a selective functionalization of the mesopore surface with a clickable linker and thus makes it possible to study confinement effects during catalyzed reactions. First, the silanol groups on the particle surface and in the pore entrances of the SBA-15 are passivated. By solvent extraction, the template is removed and afterwards the pore walls are functionalized with 3-azidopropyltriethoxysilane before the catalyst is clicked on the pore walls. In initial experiments of asymmetric Rh-catalyzed 1,2-addition, the performance of a catalyst clicked selectively on the mesopore walls is investigated. The data used for the manuscript are sorted by the respective characterization method.The data are named either according to the sample name, the entry or the figure in the paper. All data are raw data that can be processed with the corresponding software. |
| Chemistry |
| spatially controlled functionalization
asymmetric catalysis (Loterre Chemistry Vocabulary)
confinement (Loterre Chemistry Vocabulary) |
Related Publication
| A.-K. Beurer, M. Kirchhof, J. R. Bruckner, W. Frey, A. Baro, M. Dyballa, F. Giesselmann, Y. Traa (2021), "Efficient and Spatially Controlled Functionalization of SBA-15 and Initial Results in Asymmetric Rh-Catalyzed 1,2-Additions under Confinement", ChemCatChem doi 10.1002/cctc.202100229 |
| Project A4 (Level 2) |
Funding Information
| DFG: 358283783 - SFB 1333 |
| Beurer, Ann-Katrin |
Deposit Date
| 2021-04-08 |
| ASiQwin, Version: 3.01
WinNMR, Version: 6.2
NETZSCH Proteus - Thermal Analysis, Version: 6.1.0
NETZSCH Measurement, Version: 6.1.0
LCsolution, Version: 1.21
TopSpin, Version: 3.6.2
Chem3D, Version:
OMNIC, Version: 8.3.103 |