Supplementary material: "The Art of Brainwaves: A Survey on Event-Related Potential Visualization Practices" (doi:10.18419/darus-3729)


Part 1: Document Description
Part 2: Study Description
Part 3: Data Files Description
Part 4: Variable Description
Part 5: Other Study-Related Materials
Entire Codebook

(external link)

Document Description



Supplementary material: "The Art of Brainwaves: A Survey on Event-Related Potential Visualization Practices"

Identification Number:




Date of Distribution:




Bibliographic Citation:

Mikheev, Vladimir; Skukies, Rene; Ehinger, Benedikt, 2023, "Supplementary material: "The Art of Brainwaves: A Survey on Event-Related Potential Visualization Practices"",, DaRUS, V2, UNF:6:+qePfVjlqif+DUSlAZSsrw== [fileUNF]

Study Description



Supplementary material: "The Art of Brainwaves: A Survey on Event-Related Potential Visualization Practices"

Identification Number:


Authoring Entity:

Mikheev, Vladimir (University of Stuttgart)

Skukies, Rene (University of Stuttgart)

Ehinger, Benedikt (University of Stuttgart)

Grant Number:




Access Authority:

Mikheev, Vladimir

Access Authority:

Mikheev, Vladimir

Access Authority:

Ehinger, Benedikt


Mikheev, Vladimir

Date of Deposit:


Holdings Information:

Study Scope


Computer and Information Science, Medicine, Health and Life Sciences, Social Sciences, Event-Related Potential, Information Visualization


<p>The purpose related to this dataset is to investigate the state of visualization in ERP (Event-Related Potential) research. The investigation was conducted through an online questionnaire administered via LimeSurvey Community Edition v5.4.7, hosted by the University of Stuttgart. The survey was designed to gather information about participants' experiences and opinions regarding ERP plotting tools, color mapping, etc.</p> <p>This dataset consists of responses collected from the online questionnaire conducted between January and July 2023. The survey attracted participants from various sources, including academic communities, social networks, and conferences. To encourage participation, the researchers offered the chance to win Muse-2 devices as an incentive. The dataset is anonymous and was ethically approved by the Ethics Committee of the University of Stuttgart. Participants were asked for informed consent, informed of their privacy rights, and allowed to withdraw from the study at any time.</p> <p>The dataset includes a total of 425 responses, with the detailed analysis focusing on the 213 responses that completed the questionnaire. It should be noted that this survey used a convenience sample and did not investigate the reasons why respondents dropped out. The survey was divided into four sections covering participant background, tool usage, color mapping awareness, and feedback. The questionnaire was designed to adapt based on respondents' previous answers, resulting in different response rates for different questions. In addition, participants were informed of the purpose of the survey, opt-out options, and opportunities to enter a drawing or receive research updates. The dataset also includes a link to a second survey for those interested in further engagement and a list of publications related to the color map perception controversy. This controversy relates to the fact that not all colormaps are suitable for scientific visualization. There are three reasons for this: 1) unnatural order - the order of colors in the colormap does not correspond to the innate sense of higher or lower; 2) perceptual change is not uniform - one color appears to change faster while another changes slower; 3) colorblind people cannot see colors in the colormap Moreland (2015).</p>

Date of Collection:


Unit of Analysis:



Researcher in the field of EEG, MEG, iEEG

Kind of Data:

survey data

Methodology and Processing

Data Collector:

University of Stuttgart

Sampling Procedure:

Convention sample

Major Deviations from the Sample Design:

Majority of respondents are working in Europe and USA, 70% are working in fundamental research field, 70% are working with Scalp EEG, 37% are Doctoral researchers

Mode of Data Collection:

Online survey

Type of Research Instrument:

Semi-structured survey

Sources Statement

Actions to Minimize Losses:

To encourage participation, we raffled 3 Muse-2 devices (~300€/each) among those who agreed to participate.

Response Rate:

Of the 425 people who started the survey, 215 completed it.

Data Access

Other Study Description Materials

Related Materials

<a href="">web-site with reproducable code of the project</a>

Related Publications



Vladimir Mikheev, Rene Skukies, Benedikt Ehinger. The Art of Brainwaves: A Survey on Event-Related Potential Visualization Practices. Aperture Neuro. 2024;4.

Identification Number:


Bibliographic Citation:

Vladimir Mikheev, Rene Skukies, Benedikt Ehinger. The Art of Brainwaves: A Survey on Event-Related Potential Visualization Practices. Aperture Neuro. 2024;4.

File Description--f257040


  • Number of cases: 215

  • No. of variables per record: 181

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



Variable Description

List of Variables:


id. Response ID

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 217.69767441860444; Max. 426.0; StDev 123.4776333152925; Valid 215.0; Min. 2.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:DTfBj/g5Vfm5wN3B03tLZw==

submitdate. Date submitted

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:wxTaTRE/SeD2LaMLPEFM1Q==

lastpage. Last page

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 0.0; Valid 215.0; Max. 12.0; Min. 12.0; Mean 12.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:UHfss6g3N3EK697L+p0dWQ==

startlanguage. Start language

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:j5q9jWILMiE4Ks+hwsvlqQ==

seed. Seed

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 6.15418420231825E8; Max. 2.136540591E9; Min. 7763064.0; Valid 215.0; Mean 1.0591378602046514E9

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:pM8KIFask+zeQgmL1ssY6A==

startdate. Date started

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:26Yk466Gm0IEGnjGNZXmkg==

datestamp. Date last action

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:mhGZMk2+V72dF7EXsITL5w==

G01Q01. Country of your current job/study

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:jQbxypGeID8ncIixcQOiqw==

G01Q02. Your area of research

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:lnUegjC0JysUDcMEj9d7kQ==

G01Q02[other]. Your area of research [Other]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:B7QOlQpyKolxjDqSkc6Hfg==

G01Q021. What is your main topic (e.g. language, vision, decision making, diagnostics, passive/active BCI, etc.)?

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:mjDIHiD4c0R/TVgu3dswDQ==

G01Q03. What is your current occupation?

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:MGv3LUsvQeXxFPwEEst3Ag==

G01Q03[other]. What is your current occupation? [Other]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:xPNZ0JRkpbrj3gxGAFxE3A==

G01Q04[SQ001]. What kind of data obtained by these measurement technique(s) have you used for analysis in your current or past research? [Scalp EEG]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:uunUc/4tdZPmYyPGqrLrbg==

G01Q04[SQ002]. What kind of data obtained by these measurement technique(s) have you used for analysis in your current or past research? [Intracranial EEG]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:So3n+0sYxn+w6lmgSGfPmw==

G01Q04[SQ003]. What kind of data obtained by these measurement technique(s) have you used for analysis in your current or past research? [MEG using SQUIDs]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:aRLAgvzNU3d/ZPyp71KKrQ==

G01Q04[SQ004]. What kind of data obtained by these measurement technique(s) have you used for analysis in your current or past research? [MEG using OPMs]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:9O1iUP3aKKunuHQr1G6+rQ==

G01Q04[SQ005]. What kind of data obtained by these measurement technique(s) have you used for analysis in your current or past research? [Not analysed any of them]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:Q6eIH69R1Uir/rdj9eqR4A==

G01Q07. How many published papers/preprints do you have, where you used EEG, MEG or iEEG analysis?

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 55.93953488372108; StDev 681.6187858503328; Valid 215.0; Max. 10000.0; Min. 0.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:hJ8NBLxWP3PLaGiqGlV7BQ==

G01Q06. How many years of experience with EEG, MEG, or iEEG analysis do you have?

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 10000.0; StDev 681.557810492761; Valid 215.0; Min. 0.0; Mean 55.204651162790874

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:fJ7vuj9Of0XE32M2z8jtWA==

G01Q08. What is your self-assessed level of experience with EEG, MEG, or iEEG analysis?

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:CxY0pT/z+yLOwT3BjVYksw==

G01Q09. Have you ever publicly shared code/software for EEG, MEG or iEEG analysis methods, or contributed to code managed by others?

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:OHKI65CWCApdhlYCZ536iQ==

G01Q10. How many channels do you typically measure?

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. 3.0; Mean 5300.94883720932; StDev 68502.89554765738; Valid 215.0; Max. 1000000.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:CesAIIgenB4LBFCpBO0LWw==

G01Q11. How many channels of those you measured do you typically analyse, after selection of task-relevant channels?

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. 1.0; StDev 68807.37160491128; Mean 5676.506976744205; Valid 215.0; Max. 1000000.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:1mTS0Ls1nv4xSQJXT2Su3Q==

G02Q01[SQ001]. Which EEG, MEG, or iEEG analysis platform have you used for ERP plotting? [ASA]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:h5MSXHgjuZnzYAzCJ4IS2Q==

G02Q01[SQ002]. Which EEG, MEG, or iEEG analysis platform have you used for ERP plotting? [BESA]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:CMNpy9/A/40jsRBbiLeQ3g==

G02Q01[SQ003]. Which EEG, MEG, or iEEG analysis platform have you used for ERP plotting? [Brainstorm]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:wdPehQICjzMJa/EdDUJ/4g==

G02Q01[SQ004]. Which EEG, MEG, or iEEG analysis platform have you used for ERP plotting? [Brain Vision Analyser]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:AAbS4psjsQ5h631hbCySmQ==

G02Q01[SQ005]. Which EEG, MEG, or iEEG analysis platform have you used for ERP plotting? [Cartool]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:4ib7Z+wDxlww0UaCzoAWOA==

G02Q01[SQ006]. Which EEG, MEG, or iEEG analysis platform have you used for ERP plotting? [Curry]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:s7uADNmTezw2lKorHkCcZQ==

G02Q01[SQ007]. Which EEG, MEG, or iEEG analysis platform have you used for ERP plotting? [EEGLAB]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:f7Jsw4Khg2EhUK9uHeEH6A==

G02Q01[SQ020]. Which EEG, MEG, or iEEG analysis platform have you used for ERP plotting? [EEGKit]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:7v65XmQbP7Yvc8//4D0kIA==

G02Q01[SQ010]. Which EEG, MEG, or iEEG analysis platform have you used for ERP plotting? [EEProbe]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:r4lsZOZIAWtD+AqbHwBIOg==

G02Q01[SQ022]. Which EEG, MEG, or iEEG analysis platform have you used for ERP plotting? [EEGUtils]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:8lvjZNkLq4JZhxDFUE4Mfw==

G02Q01[SQ009]. Which EEG, MEG, or iEEG analysis platform have you used for ERP plotting? [ERPLAB]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:iuid7tcgTdRqHSGEGFjDKA==

G02Q01[SQ011]. Which EEG, MEG, or iEEG analysis platform have you used for ERP plotting? [EGI Net Station]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:53uxNbFAcUh2FloaoHaETg==

G02Q01[SQ029]. Which EEG, MEG, or iEEG analysis platform have you used for ERP plotting? [ephyviewer]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:N7k1pgIrzFVkvpY0vN51qg==

G02Q01[SQ012]. Which EEG, MEG, or iEEG analysis platform have you used for ERP plotting? [ERPsystem]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:qqK760VKrTSY5T6jXZ+MZQ==

G02Q01[SQ026]. Which EEG, MEG, or iEEG analysis platform have you used for ERP plotting? [eVox]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:f7AJL0kM3MZ3c1SkzsuwYQ==

G02Q01[SQ014]. Which EEG, MEG, or iEEG analysis platform have you used for ERP plotting? [InstEP]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:f7AJL0kM3MZ3c1SkzsuwYQ==

G02Q01[SQ013]. Which EEG, MEG, or iEEG analysis platform have you used for ERP plotting? [FieldTrip]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:A7X6iOpHOOXsRx0Ujgx9nQ==

G02Q01[SQ023]. Which EEG, MEG, or iEEG analysis platform have you used for ERP plotting? [fitgrid]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:5qCC0vMT05gcMvMZR17PPg==

G02Q01[SQ008]. Which EEG, MEG, or iEEG analysis platform have you used for ERP plotting? [LIMO]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:LVLoQVxUNWMMejc2qbHFaQ==

G02Q01[SQ028]. Which EEG, MEG, or iEEG analysis platform have you used for ERP plotting? [MMVT]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:f7AJL0kM3MZ3c1SkzsuwYQ==

G02Q01[SQ019]. Which EEG, MEG, or iEEG analysis platform have you used for ERP plotting? [mnelab]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:c9U4COvLwfkM1MO4olybUw==

G02Q01[SQ015]. Which EEG, MEG, or iEEG analysis platform have you used for ERP plotting? [MNE-Python]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:6hUjV7nViBsIq27ODTuwIw==

G02Q01[SQ016]. Which EEG, MEG, or iEEG analysis platform have you used for ERP plotting? [Scan]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:7dQlAfjzucwpmml83RDSIA==

G02Q01[SQ017]. Which EEG, MEG, or iEEG analysis platform have you used for ERP plotting? [SPM ]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:QXJHPifc1fKukQAE6aaOEA==

G02Q01[SQ018]. Which EEG, MEG, or iEEG analysis platform have you used for ERP plotting? [Unfold]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:/q+umjx1fsQkzTik5mgLIw==

G02Q01[SQ027]. Which EEG, MEG, or iEEG analysis platform have you used for ERP plotting? [Custom scripts]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:MyPVnSxOAjuzLISPB0niAg==

G02Q01[other]. Which EEG, MEG, or iEEG analysis platform have you used for ERP plotting? [Other]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:9ZKzJ/9YIeVpjo9s8uyIrA==

G02Q02[SQ001]. When using an EEG, MEG, or iEEG visualization tool which features are important to you? [Combine with a custom plot created outside of the toolbox (as subplot or inset)]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:LUAQtYX0oeUQ/MIJE5046w==

G02Q02[SQ002]. When using an EEG, MEG, or iEEG visualization tool which features are important to you? [Flexible tweaking of plot attributes (colors, linewidths, margins etc.)]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:qR8bKosq6MjMui28WovesQ==

G02Q02[SQ003]. When using an EEG, MEG, or iEEG visualization tool which features are important to you? [Speed of plotting]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:teIuV2LzqjjrQEUbVaBDNA==

G02Q02[SQ004]. When using an EEG, MEG, or iEEG visualization tool which features are important to you? [Presentation/publication ready figures]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character


G02Q02[SQ005]. When using an EEG, MEG, or iEEG visualization tool which features are important to you? [Reproducibility of interactively generated or modified plots]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:gWzA9MP9MgJ2KZs8sF6TEw==

G02Q02[SQ006]. When using an EEG, MEG, or iEEG visualization tool which features are important to you? [Zooming or panning within a plot]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:Iw1Z55zWYdkONYo08obAOw==

G02Q02[SQ007]. When using an EEG, MEG, or iEEG visualization tool which features are important to you? [Interactive selection of time-ranges or electrodes e.g. via Sliders or Dropdown menus]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:K/Fb/0gLJblsg6ZnvXXCqw==

G02Q02[SQ008]. When using an EEG, MEG, or iEEG visualization tool which features are important to you? [Generating plots by clicking (GUI)]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:YpjyHnU+xbcedYekqN66wQ==

G02Q02[SQ009]. When using an EEG, MEG, or iEEG visualization tool which features are important to you? [Generating plots by coding]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:91R4e78tRn8SIHdtawgWoA==

G02Q04[SQ001]. Select the ERP visualizations that you are familiar with   []

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:6m2ZoWTCxsPzwZy0szah0Q==

G02Q04[SQ002]. Select the ERP visualizations that you are familiar with   []

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:upCNF+PfFhjQunRyCL254A==

G02Q04[SQ003]. Select the ERP visualizations that you are familiar with   []

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:cAwnSSEEmdMq3hx0vom3cQ==

G02Q04[SQ004]. Select the ERP visualizations that you are familiar with   []

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:gK6N+/Vmt7QTSdOu90Xq6w==

G02Q04[SQ005]. Select the ERP visualizations that you are familiar with   []

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:yQB6ZY1M5VcLgrurY+qTow==

G02Q04[SQ006]. Select the ERP visualizations that you are familiar with   []

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:8izwTNUzIMqwZnrdOIETFA==

G02Q04[SQ007]. Select the ERP visualizations that you are familiar with   []

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:a07jR3tpvXU+MdgoIs7dUw==

G02Q04[SQ008]. Select the ERP visualizations that you are familiar with   []

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:930/QkdEU51ZdmMCFAKjwQ==

G03Q11. How would you call this plot?

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:Iab0DUt/fv3xIuIvMZN5Yw==

G03Q12. Have you ever plotted this kind of figure?

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:SpDUtgae70aUeiHeY/OD4w==

G03Q13[SQ003]. [Which plotting tool (EEGLab, FieldTrip, etc) or custom script (matplotlib, ggplot, Makie, etc) did you use?]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:DUWeI6qgDq/zQnTNPGtRYQ==

G03Q13[SQ001]. [Which parts of the plot were difficult to do?]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:DPRrdjFXFF13nOPDfEQwRw==

G03Q13[SQ002]. [What new features would you like to add to this analysis tool?]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:wdpidEmE2/evPFhnwSZfVg==

G03Q14. Think about your last published ERP paper/preprint/poster with this type of plot. Did this plot have error bars?

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:nbvuYUQ0LMLsOvAZRUSR2A==

G03Q15. What did the error bars depict in your figure?

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:h79BKYl3rfJfyQZHhVCthw==

G03Q15[other]. What did the error bars depict in your figure? [Other]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:KCAet+Whxj348FLmBuPJXA==

G03Q16. Think about the baseline period (the time before the stimulus onset). How many milliseconds would you recommend to plot?

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 5000.0; StDev 425.66620202045846; Mean 269.1935483870968; Min. -350.0; Valid 155.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:p9vd2wqaeh17tbDAP8ZUzw==

G03Q18. If you don't want to provide a number on previous question, please, provide a justification.

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:dp1Bu1tJ6JutpCOn6O0hcQ==

G03Q17. In this plot, should positive voltages be plotted upwards, or downwards?

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:OdWE0qmSI6rMR/97y0hcFw==

G03Q21. How would you call this plot?

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character


G03Q22. Have you ever plotted this kind of figure?

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:sxEHh9M7ZeYHCKww7KMJtw==

G03Q23[SQ001]. [Which plotting tool (EEGLab, FieldTrip, etc) or custom script (matplotlib, ggplot, Makie, etc) did you use?]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:wJWtfPguJzkMF7+RxnCFyA==

G03Q23[SQ002]. [Which parts of the plot were difficult to do?]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:j5oloizo6C9sCPDgsr5mVQ==

G03Q23[SQ003]. [What new features would you like to add to this analysis tool?]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:fQTB/whFyqzQI3OCDgkjYA==

G03Q31. How would you call this plot?

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:P8X2moiyldVfSkvsbXzcdQ==

G03Q32. Have you ever plotted this kind of figure?

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:j1Xy74zHfxM9jd2rpWDR8g==

G03Q33[SQ001]. [Which plotting tool (EEGLab, FieldTrip, etc) or custom script (matplotlib, ggplot, Makie, etc) did you use?]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:DrvP4RO1y4Jf6v4aecdxDQ==

G03Q33[SQ002]. [Which parts of the plot were difficult to do?]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:65mwPKCSypaqN8hj4/AKcg==

G03Q33[SQ003]. [What new features would you like to add to this analysis tool?]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:9g6osCmhrbOBGdWeaxmzGg==

G03Q41. How would you call this plot?

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:jckwKUGVgx2Q2igDQvPkDw==

G03Q42. Have you ever plotted this kind of figure?

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:cPYGshPpksuSvAbKwQ7NJg==

G03Q43[SQ001]. [Which plotting tool (EEGLab, FieldTrip, etc) or custom script (matplotlib, ggplot, Makie, etc) did you use?]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:3UTLnLt7nOfeq8N0Nz0hBg==

G03Q43[SQ002]. [Which parts of the plot were difficult to do?]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:emm2fYXxZUzArjx8z8eZfA==

G03Q43[SQ003]. [What new features would you like to add to this analysis tool?]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:Q/rU6FAFCvAH3McQ6fgwCA==

G03Q44. If you see such a plot, do you think the values depicted show:

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:oeTpnnusCwYlCk0/TNVhEw==

G03Q44[other]. If you see such a plot, do you think the values depicted show: [Other]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:whT+1Rvv9RMJbv9AKt0SFQ==

G03Q51. How would you call this plot?

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:mflYZLHUWEudk4KaWPN8aw==

G03Q52. Have you ever plotted this kind of figure?

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:jo4E+AxLdpqZbfkG4c280A==

G03Q53[SQ001]. [Which plotting tool (EEGLab, FieldTrip, etc) or custom script (matplotlib, ggplot, Makie, etc) did you use?]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:V5irzXCd+Chv5+ttdQZCmg==

G03Q53[SQ002]. [Which parts of the plot were difficult to do?]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:h8bumtgSE0fX/nwFQ9McJA==

G03Q53[SQ003]. [What new features would you like to add to this analysis tool?]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:G2BzMpw/6dH0CVYO4LI3tg==

G03Q61. How would you call this plot?

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:t+XbzwPIB0fU0fcR4xdP1Q==

G03Q62. Have you ever plotted this kind of figure?

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:oZD0zk65M3vxR0p+3ALuww==

G01Q63[SQ001]. [Which plotting tool (EEGLab, Fieldtrip, etc) or custom script (matplotlib, ggplot, Makie, etc) did you use?]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:iI5+OPduLzkkw7mi7m61aw==

G01Q63[SQ002]. [Which parts of the plot were difficult to do?]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:btlIYilUQEkt43WgtcFeAw==

G01Q63[SQ003]. [What new features would you like to add to this analysis tool?]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:TM/Mzf8qrkXlEl5RURnyMA==

G03Q71. How would you call this plot?

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:Lu6sKV9mfef9AhALg/WNLg==

G03Q72. Have you ever plotted this kind of figure?

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:uaAeDvKf9TPcs8/iIkTZPg==

G03Q73[SQ001]. [Which plotting tool (EEGLab, FieldTrip, etc) or custom script (matplotlib, ggplot, Makie, etc) did you use?]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:KDOzRQp+ffiuOieUHFp0CQ==

G03Q73[SQ002]. [Which parts of the plot were difficult to do?]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:pc4e/H32fbyzITPOHWrelQ==

G03Q73[SQ003]. [What new features would you like to add to this analysis tool?]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:1YHTuX1BSbCEupvjJ8MgBg==

G03Q81. How would you call this plot?

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:eXjgJhIjDvq8OBqyFEe/pQ==

G03Q82. Have you ever plotted this kind of figure?

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:jP8h+OODOCyWUDViuvBGtg==

G03Q83[SQ001]. [Which plotting tool (EEGLab, FieldTrip, etc) or custom script (matplotlib, ggplot, Makie, etc) did you use?]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:gfj8nPNCTBdzUdOd/rR/tw==

G03Q83[SQ002]. [Which parts of the plot were difficult to do?]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:XY5Dg3dcIp6qkx0o26CwTQ==

G03Q83[SQ003]. [What new features would you like to add to this analysis tool?]

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:lfZrPRm6Q90kJhlI36nKjg==

G03Q91. Are you aware of the perceptual controversies of the jet (rainbow) colorbar? Example:

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:GVDXIEmDQt6UZIXUwr580A==

G03Q92. Do you know about two-dimensional colorbars? Example:

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:R70+sE3SDgxVFQW3WDgBQQ==

G03Q93. Would you like to use a two-dimensional colorbar in your publications, if it was easily available?

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:kEuI1scWcI+jxu6TNLPZCg==

G12Q46. If you have any comments or suggestions on how to improve ERP plotting tools, in general or on this survey, you are highly encouraged to fill in this section.

f257040 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:EmBCTV6uLoHhGb/HNSRbug==

interviewtime. Total time

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 1279.213488372093; Min. 81.15; StDev 1741.7507253621163; Valid 215.0; Max. 15205.2

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:LKrIJh4+fenF+O4eZjrebw==

groupTime118. Group time: Basic information

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. 36.9; StDev 587.9308433748836; Max. 6413.63; Valid 215.0; Mean 225.05139534883725

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:hcFLBxuely/+5DfHVXytSQ==

G01Q01Time. Question time: G01Q01

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 0.0; Mean NaN; StDev NaN; Max. NaN; Min. NaN;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:p/b2HZDDtjMAwRNn0nxy5g==

G01Q02Time. Question time: G01Q02

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. NaN; Valid 0.0; Mean NaN; Max. NaN; StDev NaN

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:p/b2HZDDtjMAwRNn0nxy5g==

G01Q021Time. Question time: G01Q021

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 0.0; StDev NaN; Max. NaN; Mean NaN; Min. NaN

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:p/b2HZDDtjMAwRNn0nxy5g==

G01Q03Time. Question time: G01Q03

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. NaN; StDev NaN; Valid 0.0; Mean NaN; Min. NaN

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:p/b2HZDDtjMAwRNn0nxy5g==

G01Q04Time. Question time: G01Q04

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev NaN; Max. NaN; Mean NaN; Min. NaN; Valid 0.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:p/b2HZDDtjMAwRNn0nxy5g==

G01Q07Time. Question time: G01Q07

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev NaN; Mean NaN; Max. NaN; Min. NaN; Valid 0.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:p/b2HZDDtjMAwRNn0nxy5g==

G01Q06Time. Question time: G01Q06

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 0.0; Min. NaN; StDev NaN; Max. NaN; Mean NaN;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:p/b2HZDDtjMAwRNn0nxy5g==

G01Q08Time. Question time: G01Q08

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 0.0; StDev NaN; Mean NaN; Max. NaN; Min. NaN;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:p/b2HZDDtjMAwRNn0nxy5g==

G01Q09Time. Question time: G01Q09

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. NaN; Max. NaN; StDev NaN; Mean NaN; Valid 0.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:p/b2HZDDtjMAwRNn0nxy5g==

G01Q10Time. Question time: G01Q10

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 0.0; Min. NaN; StDev NaN; Max. NaN; Mean NaN;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:p/b2HZDDtjMAwRNn0nxy5g==

G01Q11Time. Question time: G01Q11

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. NaN; StDev NaN; Mean NaN; Valid 0.0; Min. NaN

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:p/b2HZDDtjMAwRNn0nxy5g==

groupTime119. Group time: Plotting experience

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 215.0; Max. 3701.64; StDev 275.6874635820044; Min. 13.43; Mean 157.99548837209304

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:r21FW9oYwtNTKEfCfnfMAg==

G02Q01Time. Question time: G02Q01

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. NaN; Mean NaN; Max. NaN; Valid 0.0; StDev NaN

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:p/b2HZDDtjMAwRNn0nxy5g==

G02Q02Time. Question time: G02Q02

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev NaN; Valid 0.0; Max. NaN; Min. NaN; Mean NaN

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:p/b2HZDDtjMAwRNn0nxy5g==

G02Q04Time. Question time: G02Q04

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. NaN; Valid 0.0; Mean NaN; StDev NaN; Min. NaN;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:p/b2HZDDtjMAwRNn0nxy5g==

groupTime121. Group time: Your acquaintance with plot 1

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 200.0; Min. 26.03; StDev 954.0666499060508; Mean 342.94059999999996; Max. 10225.4;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:/4wO9yzq3hf1rCPaS11f7w==

G03Q11Time. Question time: G03Q11

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. NaN; StDev NaN; Valid 0.0; Min. NaN; Mean NaN

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:p/b2HZDDtjMAwRNn0nxy5g==

G03Q12Time. Question time: G03Q12

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 0.0; Max. NaN; Min. NaN; StDev NaN; Mean NaN

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:p/b2HZDDtjMAwRNn0nxy5g==

G03Q13Time. Question time: G03Q13

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean NaN; StDev NaN; Max. NaN; Valid 0.0; Min. NaN;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:p/b2HZDDtjMAwRNn0nxy5g==

G03Q14Time. Question time: G03Q14

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. NaN; Mean NaN; StDev NaN; Min. NaN; Valid 0.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:p/b2HZDDtjMAwRNn0nxy5g==

G03Q15Time. Question time: G03Q15

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. NaN; Max. NaN; StDev NaN; Valid 0.0; Mean NaN

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:p/b2HZDDtjMAwRNn0nxy5g==

G03Q16Time. Question time: G03Q16

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. NaN; Mean NaN; Valid 0.0; StDev NaN; Min. NaN

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:p/b2HZDDtjMAwRNn0nxy5g==

G03Q18Time. Question time: G03Q18

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev NaN; Max. NaN; Min. NaN; Valid 0.0; Mean NaN

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:p/b2HZDDtjMAwRNn0nxy5g==

G03Q17Time. Question time: G03Q17

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev NaN; Valid 0.0; Max. NaN; Min. NaN; Mean NaN

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:p/b2HZDDtjMAwRNn0nxy5g==

groupTime122. Group time: Your acquaintance with plot 2

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 104.53364705882353; StDev 314.42417866416076; Valid 170.0; Min. 10.11; Max. 3822.4

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:/sjIH/v4nK5xA9UyeYvkGA==

G03Q21Time. Question time: G03Q21

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. NaN; Valid 0.0; Max. NaN; StDev NaN; Mean NaN

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:p/b2HZDDtjMAwRNn0nxy5g==

G03Q22Time. Question time: G03Q22

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. NaN; Mean NaN; Valid 0.0; Min. NaN; StDev NaN

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:p/b2HZDDtjMAwRNn0nxy5g==

G03Q23Time. Question time: G03Q23

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 0.0; Max. NaN; Min. NaN; StDev NaN; Mean NaN;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:p/b2HZDDtjMAwRNn0nxy5g==

groupTime123. Group time: Your acquaintance with plot 3

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 987.04; Mean 89.68223958333333; StDev 107.00880518981474; Min. 8.71; Valid 192.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:bH2s3k/i5mdia/Y8XHCi1A==

G03Q31Time. Question time: G03Q31

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean NaN; Valid 0.0; StDev NaN; Max. NaN; Min. NaN

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:p/b2HZDDtjMAwRNn0nxy5g==

G03Q32Time. Question time: G03Q32

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 0.0; Max. NaN; Mean NaN; StDev NaN; Min. NaN

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:p/b2HZDDtjMAwRNn0nxy5g==

G03Q33Time. Question time: G03Q33

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev NaN; Min. NaN; Valid 0.0; Mean NaN; Max. NaN

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:p/b2HZDDtjMAwRNn0nxy5g==

groupTime124. Group time: Your acquaintance with plot 4

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. 9.04; Max. 1296.07; Valid 196.0; StDev 118.79723691208521; Mean 100.32494897959184;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:f/S4FJGuEcqMhCZbb4vy/w==

G03Q41Time. Question time: G03Q41

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. NaN; StDev NaN; Min. NaN; Valid 0.0; Mean NaN

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:p/b2HZDDtjMAwRNn0nxy5g==

G03Q42Time. Question time: G03Q42

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev NaN; Max. NaN; Min. NaN; Mean NaN; Valid 0.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:p/b2HZDDtjMAwRNn0nxy5g==

G03Q43Time. Question time: G03Q43

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. NaN; StDev NaN; Mean NaN; Valid 0.0; Min. NaN;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:p/b2HZDDtjMAwRNn0nxy5g==

G03Q44Time. Question time: G03Q44

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev NaN; Valid 0.0; Min. NaN; Max. NaN; Mean NaN

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:p/b2HZDDtjMAwRNn0nxy5g==

groupTime125. Group time: Your acquaintance with plot 5

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 6865.0; Valid 187.0; Mean 119.64080213903743; Min. 8.64; StDev 505.7770340782251;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:sX5EfUR7aey8G04aKmhjYw==

G03Q51Time. Question time: G03Q51

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. NaN; Min. NaN; StDev NaN; Valid 0.0; Mean NaN

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:p/b2HZDDtjMAwRNn0nxy5g==

G03Q52Time. Question time: G03Q52

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 0.0; Mean NaN; StDev NaN; Min. NaN; Max. NaN

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:p/b2HZDDtjMAwRNn0nxy5g==

G03Q53Time. Question time: G03Q53

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. NaN; Valid 0.0; StDev NaN; Min. NaN; Mean NaN

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:p/b2HZDDtjMAwRNn0nxy5g==

groupTime126. Group time: Your acquaintance with plot 6

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 8576.63; Min. 5.88; Mean 146.9465671641791; Valid 134.0; StDev 744.6241966749677

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:mCf2E1AUkilFJDCC00jpkg==

G03Q61Time. Question time: G03Q61

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 0.0; Max. NaN; Mean NaN; StDev NaN; Min. NaN

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:p/b2HZDDtjMAwRNn0nxy5g==

G03Q62Time. Question time: G03Q62

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev NaN; Max. NaN; Min. NaN; Mean NaN; Valid 0.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:p/b2HZDDtjMAwRNn0nxy5g==

G01Q63Time. Question time: G01Q63

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. NaN; StDev NaN; Valid 0.0; Mean NaN; Min. NaN

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:p/b2HZDDtjMAwRNn0nxy5g==

groupTime127. Group time: Your acquaintance with plot 7

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 263.29; Min. 9.91; StDev 71.8222102264904; Mean 55.93727272727273; Valid 11.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:ZjTqNUyAaeNx/u9dju2d8A==

G03Q71Time. Question time: G03Q71

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean NaN; StDev NaN; Max. NaN; Min. NaN; Valid 0.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:p/b2HZDDtjMAwRNn0nxy5g==

G03Q72Time. Question time: G03Q72

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev NaN; Min. NaN; Valid 0.0; Mean NaN; Max. NaN;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:p/b2HZDDtjMAwRNn0nxy5g==

G03Q73Time. Question time: G03Q73

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. NaN; Mean NaN; Valid 0.0; Min. NaN; StDev NaN;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:p/b2HZDDtjMAwRNn0nxy5g==

groupTime128. Group time: Your acquaintance with plot 8

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 274.4664181004253; Mean 84.05696; Max. 2622.71; Valid 125.0; Min. 7.66;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:dBEQ5+60uHEyy4Cx70JYhw==

G03Q81Time. Question time: G03Q81

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. NaN; Mean NaN; Min. NaN; Valid 0.0; StDev NaN

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:p/b2HZDDtjMAwRNn0nxy5g==

G03Q82Time. Question time: G03Q82

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. NaN; Max. NaN; Mean NaN; StDev NaN; Valid 0.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:p/b2HZDDtjMAwRNn0nxy5g==

G03Q83Time. Question time: G03Q83

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 0.0; StDev NaN; Max. NaN; Mean NaN; Min. NaN

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:p/b2HZDDtjMAwRNn0nxy5g==

groupTime120. Group time: Plotting 2

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 131.15; Min. 6.08; Mean 27.773116279069768; StDev 16.38464023317351; Valid 215.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:H5M1JfsLT2N9sIJzX2HoHw==

G03Q91Time. Question time: G03Q91

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev NaN; Max. NaN; Mean NaN; Valid 0.0; Min. NaN;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:p/b2HZDDtjMAwRNn0nxy5g==

G03Q92Time. Question time: G03Q92

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 0.0; Min. NaN; Max. NaN; Mean NaN; StDev NaN

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:p/b2HZDDtjMAwRNn0nxy5g==

G03Q93Time. Question time: G03Q93

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev NaN; Valid 0.0; Min. NaN; Max. NaN; Mean NaN

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:p/b2HZDDtjMAwRNn0nxy5g==

groupTime129. Group time: Feedback

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 1797.48; StDev 147.9171873499893; Valid 215.0; Mean 47.80013953488372; Min. 2.1

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:q87UgJ2L25bmXxxsLdx8+A==

G12Q46Time. Question time: G12Q46

f257040 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 0.0; Min. NaN; Max. NaN; Mean NaN; StDev NaN

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:p/b2HZDDtjMAwRNn0nxy5g==

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The list of aggregated names for plot types



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Printable HTML version of the survey (but without CSS styles)



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