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Part 1: Document Description
Citation |
Title: |
Postprocessing Code for 'Falling Heads': investigating reflexive responses to head-neck perturbations |
Identification Number: |
doi:10.18419/darus-2526 |
Distributor: |
Date of Distribution: |
2022-04-01 |
Version: |
1 |
Bibliographic Citation: |
Wochner, Isabell; Schmitt, Syn, 2022, "Postprocessing Code for 'Falling Heads': investigating reflexive responses to head-neck perturbations",, DaRUS, V1 |
Citation |
Title: |
Postprocessing Code for 'Falling Heads': investigating reflexive responses to head-neck perturbations |
Identification Number: |
doi:10.18419/darus-2526 |
Authoring Entity: |
Wochner, Isabell (University of Stuttgart) |
Schmitt, Syn (University of Stuttgart) |
Grant Number: |
390740016 |
Grant Number: |
info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/EC/H2020/768947 |
Distributor: |
Access Authority: |
Wochner, Isabell |
Access Authority: |
Schmitt, Syn |
Depositor: |
Wochner, Isabell |
Date of Deposit: |
2022-02-17 |
Holdings Information: | |
Study Scope |
Keywords: |
Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Medicine, Health and Life Sciences, Physics, Reflex Behaviour, Head-Neck Perturbations, Motor Control |
Abstract: |
<p>This dataset contains the code necessary to postprocess the experimental trajectory data of the Falling Heads experiment and perform the inverse dynamics analysis as described in the paper "’Falling Heads’: investigating reflexive responses to head-neck perturbations" by Isabell Wochner, Lennart V. Nölle, Oleksandr V. Martynenko and Syn Schmitt. Always cite the paper together with this dataset because this dataset is not self-explanatory.</p> <p>The motion analyses were performed with custom software written in Matlab (Mathworks, Natick, MA) based on the recorded marker positions. From these recorded trajectories, we calculated displacements, velocities and accelerations and processed the signals with a Butterworth low-pass filter (cut-off frequency 15 Hz; fourth-order).</p> |
Notes: |
The folder contains 14 matlab codes, which you can and should run in their consecutive order to perform the postprocessing of the experimental trajectories (starting from A0.. up to A13). <br> Furthermore, the matlab data files named "kinematic_analysis_expdata" contains the experimental data which is needed to run the scripts (they should be in the same folder). |
Methodology and Processing |
Sources Statement |
Data Access |
Other Study Description Materials |
Related Studies |
Wochner, Isabell, 2022, "Trajectory Data for Falling Heads: investigating reflexive responses to head-neck perturbations", <a href=""></a>, DaRUS. |
<br>Wochner, Isabell, 2022, "Neck muscle data for Falling Heads: investigating reflexive responses to head-neck perturbations", <a href=""></a>, DaRUS. |
<br>Wochner, Isabell; Schmitt, Syn, 2022, "EMG data for Falling Heads: investigating reflexive responses in active Human Body Models", <a href=""></a>, DaRUS. |
Related Publications |
Citation |
Title: |
Wochner, I., Nölle, L. V., Martynenko, O. V., & Schmitt, S. (2022). ‘Falling heads’: investigating reflexive responses to head-neck perturbations. Biomedical engineering online, 21(1), article no. 25. |
Identification Number: |
10.1186/s12938-022-00994-9 |
Bibliographic Citation: |
Wochner, I., Nölle, L. V., Martynenko, O. V., & Schmitt, S. (2022). ‘Falling heads’: investigating reflexive responses to head-neck perturbations. Biomedical engineering online, 21(1), article no. 25. |
Label: |
A0_LoadTrajectories.m |
Text: |
This script is needed to load the experimental trajectories. Furthermore it saves the x and y displacement of the centre of gravity (head), the x-y displacement of a second node, and the x-y displacement of the chin and neck marker as "node_traj.mat" file. |
Notes: |
text/plain |
Label: |
A10_plot_fallinghead_verticaldisp_shaded.m |
Text: |
This script plots the differences in vertical displacement for different ages and sexes; run this script to reproduce Figure 3 of the paper. |
Notes: |
text/plain |
Label: |
A11_CalculateStiffness_onlyk.m |
Text: |
This script plots the effective stiffness for all participants and all trials; run this script to reproduce Figure 2 of the paper. |
Notes: |
text/plain |
Label: |
A12_PlotDisplacement.m |
Text: |
This scripts plots the vertical displacmement of the 'falling heads' experiment for all participants and all trials; run this script to reproduce Figure 1 of the paper. |
Notes: |
text/plain |
Label: |
A13_PlotAccelerations.m |
Notes: |
text/plain |
Label: |
A1_Calculate_LinearAcceleration_x.m |
Text: |
This script calculates and saves the linear acceleration in x direction of the centre of gravity (head). It creates two figures as output (for the supine and prone case) and saves the calculated data as "linearacc_x.mat" file. |
Notes: |
text/plain |
Label: |
A2_Calculate_LinearAcceleration_y.m |
Text: |
This script calculates and saves the linear acceleration in y direction of the centre of gravity (head). It creates two figures as output (for the supine and prone case) and saves the calculated data as "linearacc_y.mat" file. Furthermore, it produces the first half of the latex tables Table 1 and Table 3 (linear peak accelerations) of the paper. |
Notes: |
text/plain |
Label: |
A3_CalculateAngle.m |
Text: |
This script calculates the angle (rotational displacement) of the head. It creates two figures as output (for the supine and prone case) and saves the calculated data as "Angle.mat" file. |
Notes: |
text/plain |
Label: |
A4_Calculate_RotationalAcceleration.m |
Text: |
This script calculates and saves the rotational acceleration of the centre of gravity (head). It creates two figures as output (for the supine and prone case) and saves the calculated data as "rotationalpeakacc.mat" file. Furthermore, it produces the second half of the latex tables Table 1 and Table 3 (rotational peak accelerations) of the paper. |
Notes: |
text/plain |
Label: |
A5_CalculateHeadmassAndMomentOfInertia.m |
Text: |
This script calculates and saves the headmass and the moment of inertia of all participants based on their size and height according to description given in the paper (section 5.5.). |
Notes: |
text/plain |
Label: |
A6_Calculate_rx_ry.m |
Text: |
This script calculates and saves the moment arms r_x and r_y of the headneck joint necessary to calculate the inverse dynamics. |
Notes: |
text/plain |
Label: |
A7_CalculateFxy.m |
Text: |
This script calculates the force acting in the sagittal x-y plane on the rigid head-neck segment. The force in x-direction can be calculated according to equation (6) in the paper, the force in y-direction according to equation (7). |
Notes: |
text/plain |
Label: |
A8_CalculateMz.m |
Text: |
This script calculates the joint torque M_net exerted on the head-neck segment by the trunk segment at the connecting joint. This can be calculated according to equation (8) in the paper. |
Notes: |
text/plain |
Label: |
A9_PlotInvDynamikAnalysis.m |
Text: |
This script plots the results of the inverse dynamic analysis. With the current settings, it plots Fig (6). If you want to reproduce Figure 7, you need to switch the "caseflagreproduce_figure7_exptraj" to on, and the other caseflagreproduces off; same applied to reproduce figure S1 of the supplementary material. |
Notes: |
text/plain |
Label: |
kinematic_analysis_expdata.mat |
Text: |
This data file is needed to run A0_LoadTrajectories and contains the trajectory data of the three markers. |
Notes: |
application/matlab-mat |
Label: |
kinematic_analysis_expdata_chinmarker.mat |
Text: |
This data file is needed to run A0_LoadTrajectories and contains the trajectory data of the chin marker. |
Notes: |
application/matlab-mat |
Label: |
kinematic_analysis_expdata_neckmarker.mat |
Text: |
This data file is needed to run A0_LoadTrajectories and contains the trajectory data of the neck marker. |
Notes: |
application/matlab-mat |
Label: |
matrix2latex.m |
Notes: |
text/plain |