Scanning wind lidar dataset from the alpha ventus wind farm (doi:10.18419/darus-2298)


Part 1: Document Description
Part 2: Study Description
Part 5: Other Study-Related Materials
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Document Description



Scanning wind lidar dataset from the alpha ventus wind farm

Identification Number:




Date of Distribution:




Bibliographic Citation:

Würth, Ines; Wigger, Maayen; Berlinger, Philipp, 2022, "Scanning wind lidar dataset from the alpha ventus wind farm",, DaRUS, V1

Study Description



Scanning wind lidar dataset from the alpha ventus wind farm

Identification Number:


Authoring Entity:

Würth, Ines (Stuttgart Wind Energy, University of Stuttgart)

Wigger, Maayen (Stuttgart Wind Energy, University of Stuttgart)

Berlinger, Philipp (Stuttgart Wind Energy, University of Stuttgart)


Marten Schmager

Grant Number:

FKZ: 0324330



Access Authority:

Team of RAVE Data repositoriy


Würth, Ines

Date of Deposit:


Holdings Information:

Study Scope


Earth and Environmental Sciences, Engineering, Physics, Wind Energy, Forecasting, Wind Lidar, Cone Sector


In the nationally funded project ParkCast new methods for short-term power prediction for offshore wind farms will be developed, optimized and evaluated. The power forecasts focus on the time range up to 60 minutes with high temporal resolution. The aim is to significantly improve the temporal resolution and prediction quality of the park power in the above time range and thus contribute to grid stability and security of supply. <br/> For this purpose, long-range lidar measurements were performed at the alpha ventus wind farm to measure the inflow and wake of the wind farm. The dataset contains wind measurement lidar data from March 2020 to March 2021 which was recorded on top of the nacelle of the AV04 turbine in the farm. The data is provided as hdf5 files with a time resolution of 1h per file. The hdf5 files are zipped month-wise. The lidar did not measure continuously due to e.g. maintenance work of the wind farm. Therefore the zipped files vary in size.

Time Period:


Kind of Data:

lidar data as it is provided by the lidar device and processed information


This dataset is part of the RAVE (Research at alpha ventus) dataset and is of confidential nature. In order to obtain the dataset a <a href="">data user agreement has to be signed which is provided by the BSH (Bundesamt für Seeschiffart und Hydrographie)</a>. Once the agreement is signed access to the data set is provided with a URL link. Until then, the data files are not visible and only metadata is available. <br/> <br/> <u>Please send the user agreement to the following address:</u> <br/> Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH) <br/> M23 RAVE <br/> Bernhard-Nocht-Straße 78 <br/> 20359 Hamburg, Germany <br/> <br/> In addition please also write a short message via the contact button of this data set, that you would like to have access to. Once the user agreement is at BSH you will then be granted access.

Methodology and Processing

Sources Statement

Data Access

Confidentiality Declaration:

The RAVE lidar data is confidential. Special regulations apply for the use of this confidential data and the user undertakes to comply with them by signing the RAVE agreement for the data usage. The agreement must be signed by hand by the user and the original returned to the Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH) by regular mail. No modifications to the agreement text are permitted. In addition please also write a short message via the contact button of this dataset, that you would like to have access to. As soon as this is done, an administrator will grant access to the data.

Special Permissions:

The data usage agreement can be found <a href="">here.</a><br/> <br/> The address is the following:<br/> Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH)<br/> Marten Schmager<br/> Bernhard-Nocht-Straße 78<br/> 20359 Hamburg, Germany

Citation Requirement:

If you want to publish work using this data set, please site according to our <a href="">Community Norms</a>.


This dataset is part of the RAVE (Research at alpha ventus) data set and is of confidential nature. In order to obtain the dataset a data user agreement has to be signed which is provided by the BSH (Bundesamt für Seeschiffart und Hydrographie) <a href="">on the following link.</a> Once the user agreement is signed, BSH can grant access to this dataset.

Other Study Description Materials

Related Materials

Description of the RAVE (Research at alpha ventus) initiative and more information about the wind farm: <a href=""></a>

<br/>Description of the ParkCast project: <a href=""></a>

Related Studies

RAVE data set: <a href=""></a> and <a href=""></a>

Other Reference Note(s)

Description of the e-Wind Lidar data format: Nikola Vasiljevic, Tobias Klaas, Lukas Pauscher, João Correia Lopes, Daniel Fernandes Gomes, Renato Abreuand, & Lars Morten Bardal. (2018). e-WindLidar: making wind lidar data FAIR. Zenodo. <a href="">doi: 10.5281/zenodo.2478051</a>

Other Study-Related Materials




Picture of lidar on AV04 turbine

