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Part 1: Document Description
Citation |
Title: |
Data from Bill group for "Imaging the Permeability and Passivation Susceptibility of SiO2 Nanosphere-Based Mesoporous Supports for Molecular Heterogeneous Catalysis Under Confinement" |
Identification Number: |
doi:10.18419/darus-3312 |
Distributor: |
Date of Distribution: |
2023-10-05 |
Version: |
1 |
Bibliographic Citation: |
Kousik, Shravan R., 2023, "Data from Bill group for "Imaging the Permeability and Passivation Susceptibility of SiO2 Nanosphere-Based Mesoporous Supports for Molecular Heterogeneous Catalysis Under Confinement"",, DaRUS, V1, UNF:6:CUS1u5MtcyPbcyvMcJetJw== [fileUNF] |
Citation |
Title: |
Data from Bill group for "Imaging the Permeability and Passivation Susceptibility of SiO2 Nanosphere-Based Mesoporous Supports for Molecular Heterogeneous Catalysis Under Confinement" |
Identification Number: |
doi:10.18419/darus-3312 |
Authoring Entity: |
Kousik, Shravan R. (Institute for Materials Science, University of Stuttgart) |
Grant Number: |
358283783 - SFB 1333 |
Distributor: |
Access Authority: |
Atanasova, Petia |
Depositor: |
Kousik, Shravan R. |
Date of Deposit: |
2022-12-20 |
Holdings Information: | |
Study Scope |
Keywords: |
Chemistry, Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy, Mesoporous SiO2, Silicon Dioxide, Molecular Heterogeneous Catalysis |
Topic Classification: |
Materials Science, Organometallic Chemistry |
Abstract: |
This dataset contains files in relation to the figures appearing in the journal article and supporting information. Experimental schemes, Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (CLSM), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) images and physisorption data are provided. The labeling used is the same as in the publication. |
Kind of Data: |
Experimental Data (CLSM, TEM, N2 and Ar Physisorption) |
Methodology and Processing |
Sources Statement |
Data Access |
Other Study Description Materials |
Related Publications |
Citation |
Title: |
Shravan R. Kousik, Felix Ziegler, Diane Sipp, Andrés Rodríguez-Camargo, Helena Solodenko, Wenzel Gassner, Guido Schmitz, Bettina V. Lotsch, Michael R. Buchmeiser, Kaloian Koynov, and Petia Atanasova, Imaging the Permeability and Passivation Susceptibility of SiO2 Nanosphere-Based Mesoporous Supports for Molecular Heterogeneous Catalysis under Confinement, ACS Applied Nano Materials 2022 5 (10), 14733-14745 |
Identification Number: |
10.1021/acsanm.2c03057 |
Bibliographic Citation: |
Shravan R. Kousik, Felix Ziegler, Diane Sipp, Andrés Rodríguez-Camargo, Helena Solodenko, Wenzel Gassner, Guido Schmitz, Bettina V. Lotsch, Michael R. Buchmeiser, Kaloian Koynov, and Petia Atanasova, Imaging the Permeability and Passivation Susceptibility of SiO2 Nanosphere-Based Mesoporous Supports for Molecular Heterogeneous Catalysis under Confinement, ACS Applied Nano Materials 2022 5 (10), 14733-14745 |
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File: Figure 6d - Particle size |
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File: Figure 7a - After HMDS |
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File: Figure 7b - After HMDS |
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Label: |
Figure 1.tif |
Text: |
(a) General scheme for the assembly of NT-mSiO2, (b) low-magnification scanning electron microscope (SEM) image of an NT-mSiO2 platelet, (c) schematic representation of bulk and external mesopores in passivated NT-mSiO2 (passivating layer shown in red), and (d) SEM image showing the arrangement of SiO2 nanospheres in NT-mSiO2. |
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Figure 1b.tif |
Text: |
SEM image showing the cross-section of an NT-mSiO2 platelet. |
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Figure 1d.tif |
Text: |
SEM image showing the arrangement of SiO2 nanospheres in NT-mSiO2. |
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Label: |
Figure 2.tif |
Text: |
(a) CLSM experiment for visualizing the spatial distribution of the passivating film in NT-mSiO2 platelets (cross-section view, the passivating layer is shown only on one side for simplicity) and 3D CLSM reconstructions showing the spatial distribution of DPPS in NT-mSiO2 platelets (b) filled with Pluronic P123, (c) after extraction of Pluronic P123, and (d) without any pore-filling. The black rectangles indicate the regions where fluorescence was bleached. Insets show the orientation of the passivating film. |
Notes: |
image/tiff |
Label: |
Figure 2b.tif |
Text: |
3D CLSM reconstruction showing the infiltration of the fluorescent silane probe DPPS in NT-mSiO2 platelets filled with Pluronic P123. |
Notes: |
image/tiff |
Label: |
Figure 2c.tif |
Text: |
3D CLSM reconstruction showing the spatial distribution of the fluorescent organosilane DPPS in NT-mSiO2 platelets after removal of Pluronic P123 via solvent extraction. |
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Label: |
Figure 2d.tif |
Text: |
3D CLSM reconstruction showing the infiltration of the fluorescent silane DPPS in untreated NT-mSiO2 platelets (reference system). |
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Label: |
Figure 3.tif |
Text: |
(a) CLSM experiment for visualizing the spatial distribution of the pore-filling agent in NT-mSiO2 platelets (cross-section view) and 3D CLSM reconstructions of NT-mSiO2 platelets (b) infiltrated with RhB-PEG and (c) after pore-filling with RhB-PEG, external surface passivation with DPPS, and extraction of RhB-PEG. (b) and (c) correspond to the second and fourth panel in (a), respectively. Insets show the orientation of the passivating film. |
Notes: |
image/tiff |
Label: |
Figure 3b.tif |
Text: |
3D CLSM reconstruction showing the infiltration of the fluorescent polymer Rhodamine B-PEG in an untreated NT-mSiO2 platelet. |
Notes: |
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Label: |
Figure 3c.tif |
Text: |
3D CLSM reconstruction showing the spatial distribution of the fluorescent silane DPPS (red) in NT-mSiO2 platelets that were first filled with the fluorescent polymer Rhodamine B-PEG (green) and then extracted. |
Notes: |
image/tiff |
Label: |
Figure 4.tif |
Text: |
(a) CLSM experiment for assessing the permeability of passivating films assembled from different silanes (cross-section view) and 3D CLSM reconstructions showing the infiltration of RhB-PEG in NT-mSiO2 platelets directly passivated with (b) DPPS, (c) HMDS, and (d) TPDAS. Insets show the orientation of the passivating film. |
Notes: |
image/tiff |
Label: |
Figure 4b.tif |
Text: |
3D CLSM reconstruction showing the infiltration of the fluorescent polymer Rhodamine B-PEG (green) in NT-mSiO2 platelets that were first passivated with the fluorescent organosilane DPPS (red). |
Notes: |
image/tiff |
Label: |
Figure 4c.tif |
Text: |
3D CLSM reconstruction showing the infiltration of the fluorescent polymer Rhodamine B-PEG in an NT-mSiO2 platelet passivated with the non-fluorescent organosilane HMDS. |
Notes: |
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Label: |
Figure 4d.tif |
Text: |
3D CLSM reconstruction showing the infiltration of the fluorescent polymer Rhodamine B-PEG in an NT-mSiO2 platelet passivated with the bifunctional non-fluorescent organosilane TPDAS. |
Notes: |
image/tiff |
Label: |
Figure 5.tif |
Text: |
(a) CLSM experiment for visualizing the covalent functionalization susceptibility of passivated NT-mSiO2 platelets (cross-section view) and 3D CLSM reconstructions showing the spatial distribution of the pyrene-containing fluorescent organosilane probe in NT-mSiO2 platelets that were passivated with HMDS (b) after initial pore-filling with Pluronic P123 followed by its extraction and (c) without any preliminary pore-filling with Pluronic P123. Insets show the orientation of the passivating HMDS film. |
Notes: |
image/tiff |
Label: |
Figure 5b.tif |
Text: |
3D CLSM reconstruction showing the infiltration of a fluorescent pyrene based organosilane probe in an NT-mSiO2 platelet filled with Pluronic P123, passivated with HMDS and then removal of Pluronic P123. |
Notes: |
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Label: |
Figure 5c.tif |
Text: |
3D CLSM reconstruction showing the infiltration of a fluorescent pyrene based organosilane in an NT-mSiO2 platelet only passivated with HMDS without any preliminary pore-filling. |
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Figure 6.tif |
Text: |
(a) Scheme for the L-lysine mediated synthesis of NT-mSiO2, TEM micrographs of (b) the constituent SiO2 nanospheres and (c) the resultant NT-mSiO2 material, and (d) the corresponding particle size distribution. |
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Figure 6b.png |
Text: |
TEM image of SiO2 nanospheres. |
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Figure 6c.png |
Text: |
TEM image of NT-mSiO2. |
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Figure 7.tif |
Text: |
Pore-size disribution and Adsorption-desorption isotherm of NT-mSiO2 determined via Ar physisorption. |
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Figure S1b-1.tif |
Text: |
SEM cross-section image of an NT-mSiO2 platelet. |
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Figure S1b.tif |
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SEM top-view image of an NT-mSiO2 platelet. |
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Figure S3a.png |
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SEM image of NT-mSiO2 synthesized with a large stir bar. |
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Figure S3b.png |
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SEM image of NT-mSiO2 synthesized with a medium-sized stir bar. |
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Figure S3c.png |
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SEM image of NT-mSiO2 synthesized with a small stir bar. |
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Figure S4a.tif |
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SEM image of NT-mSiO2 after calcination at 60°C. |
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Figure S4b.tif |
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SEM image of NT-mSiO2 after calcination at 100°C. |
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Figure S4c.tif |
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SEM image of NT-mSiO2 after calcination at 600°C. |
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Figure S5a.png |
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TEM image of SiO2 nanospheres in NT-mSiO2. |
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Figure S5b.png |
Text: |
TEM image of NT-mSiO2. |
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