View: |
Part 1: Document Description
Citation |
Title: |
Data for "Discovery of Everyday Human Activities From Long-term Visual Behaviour Using Topic Models" |
Identification Number: |
doi:10.18419/darus-3231 |
Distributor: |
Date of Distribution: |
2022-10-28 |
Version: |
1 |
Bibliographic Citation: |
Bulling, Andreas, 2022, "Data for "Discovery of Everyday Human Activities From Long-term Visual Behaviour Using Topic Models"",, DaRUS, V1, UNF:6:ED4k3r2vTuaHMlglWvQ+Gw== [fileUNF] |
Citation |
Title: |
Data for "Discovery of Everyday Human Activities From Long-term Visual Behaviour Using Topic Models" |
Identification Number: |
doi:10.18419/darus-3231 |
Authoring Entity: |
Bulling, Andreas (Universität Stuttgart) |
Other identifications and acknowledgements: |
Forderer, Sonja |
Other identifications and acknowledgements: |
Hoppe, Sabrina |
Grant Number: |
EXC 284 - 39134088 |
Grant Number: |
EXC 284 - 39134088 |
Distributor: |
Access Authority: |
Bulling, Andreas |
Depositor: |
Perceptual User Interfaces |
Date of Deposit: |
2022-10-18 |
Holdings Information: | |
Study Scope |
Keywords: |
Computer and Information Science |
Topic Classification: |
Activity Recognition, Signal Processing |
Abstract: |
<p>We were able to record a dataset of more than 80 hours of eye tracking data. The dataset comprises 7.8 hours of outdoor activities, 14.3 hours of social interaction, 31.3 hours of focused work, 8.3 hours of travel, 39.5 hours of reading, 28.7 hours of computer work, 18.3 hours of watching media, 7 hours of eating, and 11.4 hours of other (special) activities. Note that annotations are not mutually exclusive, i.e. these durations should be seen independently and sum up to more than the actual dataset size. Most of our participants were students and wore the eye tracker through one day of their normal university life. This is reflected in the overall predominant activities, namely focused work, reading, and computer work.</p> <p>Otherwise, as can also be seen from the table, our dataset contains significant variability with respect to participants’ daily routines and consequently the number, type, and distribution of activities that they performed. For example, while P1 wore the eye tracker during a normal working day at the university, P7 and P9 recorded at a weekend and stayed at home all day mainly reading and working on the computer (P7) or watching movies (P9) with little or no social interactions.</p> |
Notes: |
The data is only to be used for non-commercial scientific purposes. |
Methodology and Processing |
Sources Statement |
Data Access |
Other Study Description Materials |
Related Publications |
Citation |
Title: |
Julian Steil and Andreas Bulling. 2015. Discovery of Everyday Human Activities From Long-term Visual Behaviour Using Topic Models. In Proceedings of the ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp), pp.75-85. |
Identification Number: |
10.1145/2750858.2807520 |
Bibliographic Citation: |
Julian Steil and Andreas Bulling. 2015. Discovery of Everyday Human Activities From Long-term Visual Behaviour Using Topic Models. In Proceedings of the ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp), pp.75-85. |
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List of Variables: |
Variables |
f165905 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Max. 6.358993; Mean 0.3463354605982247; Min. -3.404335; Valid 769610.0; StDev 0.304344382261196 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:bMctUxm9biQivGSD8XgDcw== |
f165905 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. -12.820754; Mean 0.43287777689738954; Valid 769610.0; StDev 0.35103416630263395; Max. 9.496477 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:d3dEMWRHTjPg9lOqn9AHsQ== |
f165905 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 769610.0; Max. 0.979261; StDev 0.045735910795198696; Mean 0.7651673099920739; Min. 0.065258; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:0A8rNh8SXqX0yBcZrDJNNg== |
f165905 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. 0.037544; Max. 0.94428; StDev 0.11829462188071445; Valid 769610.0; Mean 0.4472909481893426; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:HTRg8JYjD7loPThD/Pb4Wg== |
f165905 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. 47760.356388; Mean 62724.43289160058; StDev 8505.24708281884; Max. 77308.148713; Valid 769610.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:mOIO13l9+hUJarTWdbNQ1w== |
f165905 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Max. 1.289386; Min. 0.6; Valid 769610.0; StDev 0.14743253244761328; Mean 1.042270297822291 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:qCpFZbcf50jaiaA6Q0A7aA== |
f165905 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Max. 149.998047; Min. 17.947079; Valid 769610.0; StDev 17.503277063711916; Mean 72.42871341943454; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:oDv9ilWtWCDUYdPfRtZ3rA== |
f165905 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. 6.038093; StDev 18.16998818969269; Max. 145.303223; Valid 769610.0; Mean 52.88402141663829 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:7PuFNw+zKGq3HCXxaXQP6A== |
f165905 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Max. 179.999786; Min. 0.0; Valid 769610.0; StDev 32.605958357622036; Mean 126.88891698212473 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:pW/sXVpVBa7jUuNsJyeGtw== |
f165893 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev 0.11726397917327541; Max. 4.22185; Mean 0.5354456509349795; Valid 665790.0; Min. 0.027776 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:jCK/Mp/yvnueFLeHKQd2qw== |
f165893 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 665790.0; Min. -2.86103; Mean 0.3269901383769659; Max. 11.551277; StDev 0.33623495085796173 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:LcGSRNqmE6xdB3jLl07gLw== |
f165893 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Max. 0.980124; Valid 665790.0; StDev 0.046931955386418416; Min. 0.14406; Mean 0.6672882439913486 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:sigcqhpegHYKZNke8kBDWQ== |
f165893 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Mean 0.37019685478454206; Max. 0.954131; Valid 665790.0; Min. 0.033571; StDev 0.10842344163786961; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:FOZkllKhuJ5G3vuvl2yVIQ== |
f165893 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev 8232.824500378807; Mean 54502.20864809651; Max. 70123.636541; Min. 41112.139619; Valid 665790.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:ZvxCzg/kOZAG4/1IiDdzKA== |
f165893 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Max. 1.234106; StDev 0.14081024794307734; Min. 0.600003; Mean 0.9970687306447811; Valid 665790.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:mqB4SGCwiwzN6Aa7UicyBw== |
f165893 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Mean 58.55929087692516; StDev 18.115748709839128; Valid 665790.0; Min. 17.34086; Max. 149.985001 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:270mSrr1QdqN7gdO6IBGhQ== |
f165893 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev 15.185593826527176; Valid 665790.0; Mean 46.219617082919505; Max. 147.166473; Min. 6.097862; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:VEsUOwlX9JVhdCUt27YKDQ== |
f165893 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 665790.0; StDev 33.07098963937926; Max. 180.0; Min. 0.0; Mean 128.51808114147403; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:aOztLIo26CpfFv5PygxuAw== |
f165908 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. -0.89631; Valid 790638.0; Mean 0.49100299383029933; StDev 0.14401819245685607; Max. 1.006165 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:8PRSolp+VHGEL9afel0gLg== |
f165908 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Mean -0.22675672554190474; StDev 1.0098833851244924; Valid 790638.0; Max. 9.099695; Min. -32.368901 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:MtEDakLG2QM1ZLUKNWZ3zg== |
f165908 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Mean 0.6695181525679262; StDev 0.052232041004139265; Max. 0.978915; Min. 0.087366; Valid 790638.0; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:F/WX5jAoGyrWFn+X6RohLw== |
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f165908 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Max. 69668.509879; Min. 38590.010984; Valid 790638.0; StDev 8914.72989507535; Mean 54328.263496439096; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Mxt3k+2VnIPXVVKekGq6Sg== |
f165908 Location: |
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f165908 Location: |
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f165907 Location: |
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f165907 Location: |
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f165907 Location: |
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f165900 Location: |
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f165900 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev 0.07787595354101329; Min. 0.027431; Valid 684865.0; Max. 0.97297; Mean 0.5921858261379982 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:wOPHv6l7FBY8C4CieulgzQ== |
f165900 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. 0.039851; StDev 0.13860452402716802; Max. 0.948887; Mean 0.589237596427033; Valid 684865.0; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:UCLAFBQ1IIqyxdlVj2QJWA== |
f165900 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. 47507.786349; StDev 8510.132795313559; Max. 75912.164738; Valid 684865.0; Mean 61839.57044808402 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:ec6/tdzOJtWu9eUIkqJMEQ== |
f165900 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 684865.0; Min. 0.600007; Mean 1.0112542820672739; Max. 1.274148; StDev 0.14941635778740772; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:5VP0cCFkycgBnKIJirYNcA== |
f165900 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev 22.772653525915608; Min. 15.373527; Mean 72.7328958132334; Valid 684865.0; Max. 149.992935 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:ATdtpYlTb3+zxpEE5WuhcA== |
f165900 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Max. 144.594193; Min. 5.709547; Valid 684865.0; Mean 58.10227596391845; StDev 21.836568072290497 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:7yxvA/izTfY1UfaKrqZOCA== |
f165900 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Mean 111.97655633315314; StDev 34.02491640173795; Valid 684865.0; Min. 0.0; Max. 180.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:zjJVcDFY7GPlSSB7jC/mbg== |
0;29821.087482;08:17:01;computer_work;checking camera; start recording;0;0;0;0;0;1;0;0;0 |
f165909 Location: |
Variable Format: character Notes: UNF:6:e+zBXrUqyiKhK8j+WggZog== |
f165912 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 414316.0; Min. -4.404596; StDev 1.0723345170095948; Mean 1.0211409052052072; Max. 18.047059 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:g9ynJrlPSPwIyrfNW+ecbg== |
f165912 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. -5.96052; StDev 2.1864505194541413; Valid 414316.0; Mean 2.6174152281133276; Max. 31.562759 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:wWmlOdVmu4gb0XSfk/GWBg== |
f165912 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 414316.0; StDev 0.07216518565739435; Max. 0.978566; Min. 0.048987; Mean 0.6910207870152252 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:w3q8gayXGyc3sKOlYz4+Pw== |
f165912 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 414316.0; Mean 0.5026108163020485; Max. 0.96736; Min. 0.033353; StDev 0.17112588642884807; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:/rg6NoMvQUKefwQLzh1Fbg== |
f165912 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev 7610.934349741612; Mean 41946.05309984461; Valid 414316.0; Min. 29821.090446; Max. 58629.721527 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:zlWvHYtz0ZM7ntovzAIqGA== |
f165912 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 414316.0; Max. 1.244851; Mean 0.9268641070052741; Min. 0.600001; StDev 0.17507863155916029 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:mmO0IGX+J1ePr+k6a9zwTA== |
f165912 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. 15.74637; StDev 25.923813449310746; Valid 414316.0; Max. 150.000824; Mean 71.09286914459733; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:8Eotrh1xAqR6LiLFO632Jw== |
f165912 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev 24.10183791019104; Valid 414316.0; Min. 6.039883; Mean 55.64898478189837; Max. 146.765701; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:1zBD2eosiCyLQJgRXgW56w== |
f165912 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 414316.0; Max. 180.0; Min. 0.0; Mean 115.51582993989375; StDev 45.86662832163632 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:LhG0WIAoNmmsKEmtTL45SQ== |
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