View: |
Part 1: Document Description
Citation |
Title: |
Dataset for "Short-Form Videos Degrade Our Capacity to Retain Intentions: Effect of Context Switching On Prospective Memory" |
Identification Number: |
doi:10.18419/darus-3327 |
Distributor: |
Date of Distribution: |
2024-09-16 |
Version: |
1 |
Bibliographic Citation: |
Chiossi, Francesco; Haliburton, Luke; Ou, Changkun; Butz, Andreas; Schmidt, Albrecht, 2024, "Dataset for "Short-Form Videos Degrade Our Capacity to Retain Intentions: Effect of Context Switching On Prospective Memory"",, DaRUS, V1, UNF:6:7FzpUkbNmyXLFXVYJ8abKQ== [fileUNF] |
Citation |
Title: |
Dataset for "Short-Form Videos Degrade Our Capacity to Retain Intentions: Effect of Context Switching On Prospective Memory" |
Identification Number: |
doi:10.18419/darus-3327 |
Authoring Entity: |
Chiossi, Francesco (LMU Munich) |
Haliburton, Luke (LMU Munich) |
Ou, Changkun (LMU Munich) |
Butz, Andreas (LMU Munich) |
Schmidt, Albrecht (LMU Munich) |
Grant Number: |
251654672 |
Distributor: |
Access Authority: |
Chiossi, Francesco |
Depositor: |
Chiossi, Francesco |
Date of Deposit: |
2023-01-17 |
Holdings Information: | |
Study Scope |
Keywords: |
Computer and Information Science, Prospective Memory, Social Media |
Topic Classification: |
Image and Language Processing, Computer Graphics and Visualisation, Human Computer Interaction, Ubiquitous and Wearable Computing, General, Cognitive and Mathematical Psychology |
Abstract: |
<p>Social media platforms use short, highly engaging videos to catch users’ attention. While the short-form video feeds popularized by TikTok are rapidly spreading to other platforms, we do not yet understand their impact on cognitive functions. We conducted a between-subjects experiment (𝑁 = 60) investigating the impact of engaging with TikTok, Twitter, and YouTube while performing a Prospective Memory task (i.e., executing a previously planned action). The study required participants to remember intentions over interruptions. We found that the TikTok condition significantly degraded the users’ performance in this task. As none of the other conditions (Twitter, YouTube, no activity) had a similar effect, our results indicate that the combination of short videos and rapid context-switching impairs intention recall and execution. We contribute a quantified understanding of the effect of social media feed format on Prospective Memory and outline consequences for media technology designers not to harm the users’ memory and wellbeing.</p> <p><b>Description of the Dataset</b></p> Data frame: <ul> <li>The ./data/rt.csv provides the data frame of reaction times.</li> <li>The ./data/acc.csv provides the data frame of reaction accuracy scores.</li> <li>The ./data/q.csv provides the data frame collected from questionnaires.</li> <li>The ./data/ddm.csv is the learned DDM features using ./appendix2_ddm_fitting.ipynb, which is then used in ./3.ddm_anova.ipynb.</li> </ul> <p>Figures: All figures appeared in the paper are placed in ./figures and can be reproduced using *_vis.ipynb files.</p> |
Methodology and Processing |
Sources Statement |
Data Access |
Other Study Description Materials |
Related Publications |
Citation |
Title: |
Francesco Chiossi, Luke Haliburton, Changkun Ou, Andreas Butz, and Albrecht Schmidt. 2023. Short-Form Videos Degrade Our Capacity to Retain Intentions: Effect of Context Switching On Prospective Memory. In CHI ’23: ACM Conference on Human Computer Interaction, April 23-28, 2023, Hamburg, Germany. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 15 pages |
Identification Number: |
10.1145/3544548.3580778 |
Bibliographic Citation: |
Francesco Chiossi, Luke Haliburton, Changkun Ou, Andreas Butz, and Albrecht Schmidt. 2023. Short-Form Videos Degrade Our Capacity to Retain Intentions: Effect of Context Switching On Prospective Memory. In CHI ’23: ACM Conference on Human Computer Interaction, April 23-28, 2023, Hamburg, Germany. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 15 pages |
File Description--f187114 |
File: |
Notes: |
UNF:6:ShtxTcGo6jqfDRILlrui0A== |
The ./data/acc.csv provides the data frame of reaction accuracy scores. |
File Description--f187126 |
File: |
Notes: |
UNF:6:dWaBiJ6rY1PJYYZ6csRxng== |
The ./data/ddm.csv is the learned DDM features using ./appendix2_ddm_fitting.ipynb, which is then used in ./3.ddm_anova.ipynb. |
File Description--f187111 |
File: |
Notes: |
UNF:6:auOlBAKfgXJEunGRKtv32g== |
The ./data/q.csv provides the data frame collected from questionnaires. |
File Description--f187118 |
File: |
Notes: |
UNF:6:IrhqbXDQs4TeItlZ9qYNVQ== |
The ./data/rt.csv provides the data frame of reaction times. |
List of Variables: |
Variables |
f187114 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Max. 415.0; StDev 112.12067617127808; Mean 258.0; Valid 240.0; Min. 101.0; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:tAn6nJIRfw1JEs7Kh3FK1w== |
f187114 Location: |
Variable Format: character Notes: UNF:6:vRwUwhF1Xfg5fH5uaWebHg== |
f187114 Location: |
Variable Format: character Notes: UNF:6:Sv5l3plymuplB7fqAtlk4g== |
f187114 Location: |
Variable Format: character Notes: UNF:6:3UYTQ5ouVbSj3bnkHpM+hQ== |
f187114 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Max. 1.0; Mean 0.8958520199664812; Valid 240.0; StDev 0.19025801680893017; Min. 0.012578616352201259 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:A9nYixlFe/LQ1hahi6YI6Q== |
f187126 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev 112.12067617127808; Max. 415.0; Min. 101.0; Valid 240.0; Mean 258.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:JY9JKkSOe8K3+WetcwAPug== |
f187126 Location: |
Variable Format: character Notes: UNF:6:FhzwXFrkYBaKM9lSjuukjQ== |
f187126 Location: |
Variable Format: character Notes: UNF:6:bElN4Bejb1FvLYr3DuVe3w== |
f187126 Location: |
Variable Format: character Notes: UNF:6:ebuHiA6mOnqWGTDEgTAaJg== |
f187126 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 240.0; Mean 3.5358105540793696; Max. 9.514228584537008; Min. 0.0; StDev 2.1078182571120028 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:cn71W9z2/GKhUwELBTLQOQ== |
f187126 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. 0.5; StDev 0.6947706836762741; Valid 240.0; Max. 3.980031980476266; Mean 1.8271369640341515; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:rCDY+h3ox2m2oxEQy1tpnQ== |
f187126 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Mean 1.6387996215478233; StDev 0.3035895437533971; Max. 2.0; Min. 0.6090473831343185; Valid 240.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:fHZEKBF1xs+CBIVaP75BsA== |
f187126 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Max. 0.9999929519580065; Mean 0.5649891359360634; Min. 9.09262302017988E-4; Valid 240.0; StDev 0.2057839426473031 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:lKLv/37+CuLqdgKF1eDv0g== |
f187111 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Max. 415.0; StDev 112.8310571501797; Valid 60.0; Mean 258.0; Min. 101.0; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:2mRv0QEzpN9u4wvgvylfvQ== |
f187111 Location: |
Variable Format: character Notes: UNF:6:Fkj4pArPPSfN/kUwhOMw5w== |
f187111 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev 1.0809286653896348; Mean 4.38; Min. 1.6; Max. 6.8; Valid 60.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Sr+fDtN5nB7UbgnGLY9CSQ== |
f187111 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. 5.0; Max. 18.0; StDev 3.628356618555076; Mean 11.233333333333333; Valid 60.0; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:LI7peDJBwXpnyZPnVQ9Mnw== |
f187111 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Mean 11.916666666666666; StDev 3.6651897385004557; Valid 60.0; Min. 6.0; Max. 22.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Uxm9FHwBFVOsfQ07lnj8yg== |
f187111 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Mean 12.416666666666666; Max. 22.0; Valid 60.0; Min. 5.0; StDev 4.3929514678482455 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:9kFSgUzjBop5JcFz9DiWSQ== |
f187111 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. 8.0; Valid 60.0; StDev 3.9737486037873224; Mean 16.65; Max. 24.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:kpZwHJBVGPAklVD48u+RVg== |
f187111 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 60.0; Mean 13.65; StDev 4.613263854347645; Max. 24.0; Min. 6.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Gz06gUB1SwD5vCmm+K8b9Q== |
f187111 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Max. 19.0; Mean 11.483333333333334; StDev 3.3622614799992885; Min. 6.0; Valid 60.0; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:e7MDYuQfB6WZbTZOSAveFg== |
f187111 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev 1.2280847244369912; Valid 60.0; Mean 3.4833333333333334; Max. 5.0; Min. 1.0; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:92jFnPfTSz4yBIw0ah28xA== |
f187118 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Mean 258.0; Max. 415.0; Valid 21480.0; StDev 111.88945213696933; Min. 101.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:XO2g8CIwlfL6e3H/nvXq2w== |
f187118 Location: |
Variable Format: character Notes: UNF:6:WRFPIuMZBFM/V1y6C/wYsQ== |
f187118 Location: |
Variable Format: character Notes: UNF:6:/bQkje9s254It+Se0xFSHg== |
f187118 Location: |
Variable Format: character Notes: UNF:6:ZMMcl2LUG8X5+C8gSAeqlQ== |
f187118 Location: |
Variable Format: character Notes: UNF:6:nPbR3pxT6n/Dh2igYAi4pw== |
f187118 Location: |
Variable Format: character Notes: UNF:6:bICe0B3qEhN2ltpbuxwe+Q== |
f187118 Location: |
Variable Format: character Notes: UNF:6:Gm/jWzEFummXxYtxshpIzA== |
f187118 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Max. 2.959757191012613; Mean 0.8617016645693574; Min. 0.0072951900074258; Valid 21377.0; StDev 0.36315811179603874 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Asfn8OI/GYWwOgIhBf7s4w== |
Label: |
1.1.response_accuracy.ipynb |
Notes: |
application/x-ipynb+json |
Label: |
1.2.response_accuracy_lmm.ipynb |
Notes: |
application/x-ipynb+json |
Label: |
2.response_accuracy_vis.ipynb |
Notes: |
application/x-ipynb+json |
Label: |
3.ddm_anova.ipynb |
Notes: |
application/x-ipynb+json |
Label: |
4.ddm_feature_vis.ipynb |
Notes: |
application/x-ipynb+json |
Label: |
5.ddm_tiktok_vis.ipynb |
Notes: |
application/x-ipynb+json |
Label: |
6.questionnaire_bayes_factor.ipynb |
Notes: |
application/x-ipynb+json |
Label: |
appendix1_reaction_time_model_selection_glmm.ipynb |
Notes: |
application/x-ipynb+json |
Label: |
appendix2_ddm_fitting.ipynb |
Notes: |
application/x-ipynb+json |
Label: |
CHI23_Questionnaires.pdf |
Text: |
Questionnaires used in the study |
Notes: |
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Label: | |
Notes: |
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Label: |
requirements.txt |
Notes: |
text/plain |
Label: | |
Notes: |
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Label: |
stats.R |
Notes: |
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Label: |
YT_interruption_Videos_list.txt |
Notes: |
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Label: |
fig3_rt_accuracy_ld.pdf |
Notes: |
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Label: |
fig3_rt_accuracy_pm.pdf |
Notes: |
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Label: |
fig4_accuracy.pdf |
Notes: |
application/pdf |
Label: |
fig5_ddm_pm.pdf |
Notes: |
application/pdf |
Label: |
fig6_ddm_PM_tiktok_post_42.pdf |
Text: |
All figures appeared in the paper are placed in ./figures and can be reproduced using *_vis.ipynb files. |
Notes: |
application/pdf |
Label: |
fig6_ddm_PM_tiktok_pre_42.pdf |
Text: |
All figures appeared in the paper are placed in ./figures and can be reproduced using *_vis.ipynb files. |
Notes: |
application/pdf |